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Author Topic: iPOD and V11.0.21?  (Read 3662 times)


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iPOD and V11.0.21?
« on: July 09, 2004, 03:54:38 pm »

Should it be working?

I can transfer files but a sync simply tells me I have -278.2GB of space left and aborts.   The track list correctly shows free space.

I also just noticed that the option to sync is gone from the right-click menu and is only available from the action window.  On purpose?


OK, a partial never-mind.   I was selecting "Sync All Files" instead of "Sync Playlists".    

I can't say I like the Action Window version of Sync Playlists though.   I keep the AW and Tree narrow which makes it hard to see the names of the playlists.  I think the the dialog box was better.

Fedora 40 x86_64 Xfce


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Re:iPOD and V11.0.21?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2004, 09:17:07 am »


Moving the sync to the AW is by design. Thanks for the feedback on whether you like it or not. Anyone who has tried 11, please comment on what you see as pros and cons of the move of the sync to the AW. The purpose behind the change was to make the option more obvious to users unfamilar with the program and to unify the concept that the AW is the place to control most actions in MC.



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Re:iPOD and V11.0.21?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 11:57:42 am »

Thanks Steve,

I understand the concept, it's just too hard to work in that small window.  The only thing I can think of is an AW enhancement that automatically expands both its width and height while the playlist selection is showing, then shrinks it back to "normal" when the transfer starts.  Or maybe undock the AW and expand it, that way it doesn't upset the rest of the display.


Fedora 40 x86_64 Xfce


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Re:iPOD and V11.0.21?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2004, 01:18:22 pm »


Thanks for the feedback.



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Re:iPOD and V11.0.21?
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2004, 04:22:35 pm »

I haven't moved to 11 yet, but I agree that the AW isn't necessarily the best place for ALL functions to stay in once they're launched -- i.e. using it to launch a synch is one thing, but once launched, it's not necessarily the best size for some tasks.  I also use a narrow left bar, and would prefer to keep the synch dialogue in a sperate pop-up window that's specifically suited this task -- i.e. a much wider window that could fit all the playlists.  When it comes to this type of task, I think the AW should be seen as more of a "launching" window rather than a tiny desktop.  Either that, or as RemyJ said, it should autosize to more suitable dimensions for these tasks.

Also, regarding the capability to start a sycn by right clicking -- one of the things that always impressed me about MC is it's "more-than-one-way" approach to workflow.  It tends to offer more than one approach to accomplishing many tasks.  Being able to start a sync either by right clicking OR by choosing it in the AW offers users the ability to find their own personal workflow style when synching.  Believe it or not, this simple choice can actually make a difference to a lot of users.

I don't think anything is really "simplified" by removing the right click sync capability -- the "new users" can still access it in the AW.  Taking it out of the right click menu, however, removes the choice, and changes the workflow for people who've been using this feature for over a year now.  I'd like to see the "more-than-one-way" philosophy remain for these types of situations.



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Re:iPOD and V11.0.21?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2004, 04:45:34 pm »

I don't think anything is really "simplified" by removing the right click sync capability -- the "new users" can still access it in the AW.  Taking it out of the right click menu, however, removes the choice, and changes the workflow for people who've been using this feature for over a year now.  I'd like to see the "more-than-one-way" philosophy remain for these types of situations.

Excellent point Larry.
Fedora 40 x86_64 Xfce
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