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Author Topic: RFC  (Read 869 times)


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« on: November 17, 2002, 11:43:33 pm »

Good day, fellow collectors, ::)

First of all, I'm not sure that this is the right place for an RFC, if not, would someone please educate me and/or guide it to the correct recipient. (TIA)

RFC_GGH_MJ_001.00 - 11-17-2002 10.30 CET

After playing around with MJ for some weeks now I've come up with a, first, Request For Change, in regard to MJ.

It affects the functional area of "Search Modifiers", and mainly (~n (Limit to n Tracks), ~s (Limit to s Megabytes, ~t (Limit to t Minutes)).

It should be very convenient if those search modifiers could be applied to the Keywords who are at the aggregate level, like Artist, Album, Customx, etc.

It would result in the ability to get a dataset of a specific size, based on the tracks within the aggregated identifiers, like, for example:

~n(Artist)=50 would produce a dataset of a random number of artists who's combined underlying tracks totalling a maximum of 50 Tracks.

~s(Artist)=650 would produce a dataset of a random number of artists who's combined underlying tracks totalling a maximum of 650 MB.

~t(Artist)=74 would produce a dataset of a random number of artists who's combined underlying tracks totalling a maximum of 74 Minutes of Music.

~n(Album)=50 would produce a dataset of a random number of Albums who's combined underlying tracks totalling a maximum of 50 Tracks.

~s(Album)=650 would produce a dataset of a random number of Albums who's combined underlying tracks totalling a maximum of 650 MB.

~t(Album)=74 would produce a dataset of a random number of Albums who's combined underlying tracks totalling a maximum of 74 Minutes of Music.

Needless to say that a future like this would greatly enhance the possibilities on generating play lists who need to fit a specific device like cd_rw's etc.

Implementation would, I think, not be to much work or difficulties since the existing formula can be applied, only on a dataset which is pre-aggregated, presumably using a "group by" query.

The required aggregations are already in the MJ code to, namely at using "statistic", per artist, album.

Hoping to get some support for this and, gently, inviting all comments and reactions.

Kind greetings from,

Guido Happé

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