I do not think there is any way to do this.
Someone had an issue a while bakc where they accidentally deleted pretty much every file in their library, and was asking if there was a way to 'find' all of the "missing" tracks. i dont' think anything was ever suggested that worked.
The only thing I can think of to suggest is this...
Sometimes MC removes songs from my library (usually when moving files and selecting to NOT overwrite if the file already exists
), I update library to remove the 'missing' files (I know you donlt want to do this, I'm just telling you what I do), then re-import from my server. This will remove the incorrect entries, and reimport the songs back into the library. The tags are all intact, it just needs to re-import the tracks to get the library back to 'correct'.
I'm not sure why you have missing tracks, but it they are actually still in the database, this should work. I do NOT know if this has any affect on playcounts or playlists, but it's what I do.
Good luck.