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Author Topic: Synchronizing your handheld ..  (Read 5039 times)


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Synchronizing your handheld ..
« on: May 03, 2004, 12:26:21 am »

Would like to sync "all" my music to my iHP-140 but with a few rules. All 5 star rated files with a conversion 320kb MP3, 4 star like 256kb MP3.

The 0 star rated songs no conversion. In between all sorts of conversion like "Latin" music with a good conversion and pop with less "resolution". Maybe this is done with smartlists but I don't know how.
Also a question, when is a song overwritten by MC if it's already there. Based upon which rules?

On the other hand I think that more then smartlists are needed for something like this. Any good ideas.

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2004, 09:36:10 am »


Try starting with a smartlist with the following rule...

[Rating]==4,5 [Bitrate]==256,320 and then play around until you get what you are  after. You could also create separate lists. Almost certainly whatever grouping of files you are after can be created with smartlists. If not smartlists, static playlists can be created for the files you want.

In regards to the overwrite of files, it depends a little on what player and what tag info it supports. Generally, files will not overwrite. If a file has the same Name, Arist, Album, Genre and Track Number information, the file will not be sent in the first place.



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2004, 06:06:25 pm »

Thanks Steve,

Will try this 2moro!
Time 2 go 2 sleep now  :P

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2004, 11:19:36 am »


I tried your rule but it does not work. Have to figure out a few things. So far a few things went wrong which I'm not to blame for.

  • Why o why do I have to click away a file deletion error when synchronizing (happens very often) :(
  • MC crashes when trying to sync the iHP-140  >:(
  • It tells me that there are file duplicates and shows them. But what can I do besides clicking continue, I think that other options are needed :-\
I will try to go through all the smartlist options because that section is new to me. Anyway I don't think that the things above have anything to do with my lack of smartlist knowledge. The feature looks good though. Eventhough configuring a smartlist is not very logic. I mean the clicking of buttons and stuff, not the usable rules, they are cool!

Marsies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2004, 12:14:14 pm »


The file duplicates message is telling you that you are trying to synchronize multiple files with the same Name, Artist, Album, Genre, and Track Number information. It gives you the names of the duplicated information so you can resolve the issue either by resolving the ambiguity in the information between the files, or by creating playlists that do not have multiple files with the same information. If you do not resolve this, and you have 'Delete unselected files' selected, you may have files deleted from your player during sync which might explain the file deletion error.

Please elaborate on the crash during sync. What happens and when? Are there any messages or errors?



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2004, 04:03:26 pm »

Sorry SteveG, I wrote Matt but it's you I was writing to.  :-\

I found out that the duplicates are mp3 versions of songs I had within my ape collection, that's clear. But I only had 4 identical files and I had about 50 file delete errors. I started with 3000 files on my iHP-140.
Wanted to clean it up anyway because I corrected things like artist names and I want to have them corrected on my iHP-140 as well.
Problem is that I would like to do the sync unattended. Why not a report at the end because all I do is click OK and the proces continues.

After crashing there is an extra MC icon below on the far right side in my screen.
I tried to synchronize with a one song smartlist and no error.

I remember that a special file was made with error codes and stuff when it crashed. I thought that I saw an error 5. If you know the location of this standard error file I can send it to you. Don't know where it is.

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2004, 04:41:37 pm »


I just emailed you a file with a change to show the full file paths for files that fail to delete so you can find out what is going on. The message will show at the end of the deletion process (which in the sync is before the upload) rather than after each file. If you see 'error code 5' that means that access to the file is denied. Try deleting the file manually from Windows and you may have similar issues.

If you still see crashes, can you give me specifics on how you can create them?



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2004, 09:27:54 pm »


I started a sync with my handheld and it started okay. Now that I come back to my PC I see that MC crashed again. This time there were multiple songs to be uploaded but the crash was just after 2 uploaded songs.
Error 5 is a general access denied error, don't know where it comes from?

The first message is the normal message before MC crashes, then:
AppName: media jukebox.exe    AppVer:    ModName: media jukebox.exe
ModVer:    Offset: 00021490
And then it has made a file that I will sent to you via email.

I will upgrade to the latest version 132 and follow your email instructions. Like Schwarzenegger said, I'll be back

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2004, 09:32:52 am »


Before you made reference to deletion errors which would occur before the start of the file uploads. From your last post, it appears that is no longer happening, correct?  You saw a crash after uploading 2 songs, what happens if you restart the sync? If you delete those two songs and transfer just those two songs, does MC crash?



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2004, 09:33:36 am »


I uploaded a few hundred songs this weekend, resulting in MC crashing very often. Let's say about 50 percent! Sometimes it crashes immediately but most of the time after uploading a few songs.

I haven't tried any playlists or automatic deletion of the songs already on the handheld.

It used to work better in previous builds! Can't you get your brother iRiver to do some work for you.  ;D

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2004, 04:57:42 pm »


Can you try to isolate what is going on? Try to replicate a crash with one file and if you can, send it on to me. If you see a crash immediately, take note of what file was in the process of transferring. Try sending it by itself and see what happens.



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2004, 06:47:37 am »


Our messages just crossed, just had a look at the time.

I can do some tests but it will not be before the weekend. Also I think it will be very difficult because it "appears" to happen at random.

Uploading songs from high ape to high 320kB mp3 is very timeconsiuming. Can't guarantee that I can find it out per file/song.

I started with 3000 songs on the iHP-140 and wanted to clean it up. All songs were already deleted and I haven't done the automatic file deletion anymore.

I'll see what I can do to figure out things. No clues from the errorfile I send to you. Do I need to reinstall your file whenever I upgrade MC?

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2004, 10:40:09 am »


Thanks for the file, but not much to gain from it. You should not install the file I sent you, instead, just use the most recent MC.

I started with 3000 songs on the iHP-140 and wanted to clean it up. All songs were already deleted and I haven't done the automatic file deletion anymore.

At this point, does your iHP have no files on it or 3000 files? Are you ever importing songs into MC from the iHP?



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2004, 01:24:18 am »

Hi Steve,

It has taken some time but I just tried to run a batch for my iHP-140. This morning I found MC crashed again on the usual code 5 error. (Most files, 99%, are ape files)

Only thing I can see is that it crashed on an ogg file that needed to be converted. Can you give me some more things to test. Otherwise I might not come up with the wanted results.

MarSies .....


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2004, 03:49:45 pm »


Try sending batches of 10 or 20 files and see if you can isolate a particular set that always crashes. If you can, we can try to narrow down if this problem is caused by a particular file or files and why.

Also, you could try sending the files without conversion and see if it succeeds (even if the files won't play). This test would isolate if the crash is on conversion or transfer and give us a place to continue to troubleshoot.



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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2004, 05:00:08 pm »

Steve, it would be fantastic if you could choose the direction of the sync:  ie pc to handheld, handheld to pc or sync both.  This is the one feature that I miss now that I'm no longer using the Creative MediaSource. Is this at all possible?  Bet


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Re:Synchronizing your handheld ..
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2004, 10:12:58 am »


We will add this in the future. Right now, the sync is PC to player (in regards to files) with the ability to bring certain information back from the player to MC (i.e playcounts, ratings and date last played for players that support this info).

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