When you search for a song ("Find Media"), the song is displayed by itself - outside of its album. By using LOCATE by Artist you can get a list of all of the songs of the artist and a list of all of the Albums (If you choose Album and Artist for the upper pane). This is great.
BUT if you have more than one album, the original song you searched for is now buried in a long list of songs by the artist. It becomes very tedius to try to find that song again (presumably you wanted to play it if you searched for it)
Could you just highlight that song in the list of songs, and automatically scroll to that position?
This worked PERFECTLY in Media Jukebox but I am finding it very cumbersome to do this simple often repeated task in MC. Actually in Media Jukebox it did exactly what I liked which was: on the LOCATE command, the left pane opened up the Artist/Album area to the exact position of the searched file. Perfect! What can't I do something simple like that in MC?