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Author Topic: v10 image library question.  (Read 2538 times)


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v10 image library question.
« on: July 28, 2004, 04:25:42 pm »

I've built up almost 600 Mb of photos here, all saved in "my pictures" and the various sub folders that various "aquire" programs have put them into over the past year or so.

I recently (a few months ago) upgraded my scanner, and one of the side effects here was that MC's "aquire" function started to work with my camera. At the time, I thought "neat, now I must get them all (photos) imported and sorted. I finally got around to a bit of that today and as I'm pretty raw with MC's image handling, here is the first of probably several calls for guidance:

It's the "people" field......
let's imagine 3 people, rod, jane and freddy and their names are listed in the people pane.

How do I set MC so that I can filter down to only the photos of rod?
Currently if I select rod in the pane, the resulting list will contain all pictures of rod, and also any pictures that include rod and either or both the jane and freddy.

Is the only way to do this by using "people=" and "not people=" rules in the search window?

cheers in advance for any useful tips at regarding the above case and MC+images in general.


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2004, 05:13:11 pm »

Warning:  I offer no solutions.  Read at your own risk. :P

This brings back to memory a big debate we had about this back during MC 9.0.  It had to with using AND logic vs. OR logic vs. fuzzy AND/OR logic.

The user that started the debate was stressing the need for JRiver to mimic Adobe Photoshop Album's methodology since it worked perfectly to do just what you are asking.

I don't recall all the details though. :(  You could do a forum search for "APA" (he used that acroynm a lot) maybe and find the thread.


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2004, 05:25:01 pm »

cheers omni

I didn't realise that, not having really used MC for images apart from album art, and I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you're on about there too.

Thing is, and no offence meant, but I don't want to read a lot of argument about how other progs "do it better".

I would like to hear how others using MC for images deal with this hurdle.

There's bound to be more along the way here too, so if there's any experienced image+MC-ers reading and you've got any hot tips to share, I'm all ears.

* marko got his learning head on today :)

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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2004, 05:35:35 pm »

Thing is, and no offence meant, but I don't want to read a lot of argument about how other progs "do it better".

Oh, I just meant that there were proably "alternative solutions" cited there in that thread.  Again, my memory is failing me, but I think Matt was very active in that thread, and he probably cited a lot of examples about how to filter things.  (Then again, maybe he didn't.  I don't really remember. :P)

Anyway, never mind, but thanks for posting this thread.  I'm in the same boat as you and am very interested in how this turns out. :)


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2004, 07:11:54 pm »

I would like to hear how others using MC for images deal with this hurdle.

I don't think you'll find there is any good way to deal with this hurdle...  assuming you want to stay with MC for photo management.  Other than the manual creation of search parameters that you've already hit upon, there is no built-in way of distinguising between AND ("matching") and OR ("closely matching").  The Pane View always applies OR to multiple selections in the same column (which makes sense for non-lists fields of audio files, but fails miserably for list fields of images) and AND for restrictions across columns.


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2004, 01:18:03 am »

Hi marko,

My solution to this problem :
I added a custom "subject" (sujet in french) field where I basically store information about the subject of the photo (i.e. monuments, sea, animal, car, mountains, people, etc...). Then instead of just adding a single 'people' subject, I added subjects for '1 person', '2 persons' '3 persons' and '4+ persons).
Now when I tag my pictures, I add the names in the name field and also an adequate subject description in my subject field.
It's now easy to browse people by name+subject and have for example photos of my son Alex all by himself (Alex + 1 person) or together with someone else (Alex + 2 persons) as you can see :

1 person pictures

2 persons pictures

of course the data type of the subject type should be List (; delimited) so that you can store several subjects for the same photo (i.e. "2 persons;animal;sea;car")

Hope this helps.

have a nice day,

Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance
than the color of his eyes.
Bob Marley (War)


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2004, 02:43:48 am »



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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2004, 05:12:43 am »

cmagic, nice bit of thinking there. I'll certainly be giving that a go this afternoon. Thank you for replying.

JLee, you just made me read that tagging mode thread from start to finish, again, just in case I'd missed something!! I'm not sure which part of it you're referring too because I still don't see anything there that addresses this problem.

Help me out here and quote the bit I should be paying attention to, thnx.

IlPadrino, if there's one thing I've learned with this program, it's that 90% of the time, there is a way!! If it's not something that's already there, but hidden deep in the submenus, then it'll be some cool piece of lateral/combined thinking from other users.
See cmagic's reply. I'm not sure how well this will work here, but it looks very promising indeed.

Omni, welcome aboard m8 :)



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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2004, 05:39:38 am »

JLee, you just made me read that tagging mode thread from start to finish, again, just in case I'd missed something!! I'm not sure which part of it you're referring too because I still don't see anything there that addresses this problem.

Just thought you might have some spare time on your hands to have another read of an entertaining thread from the past.  It has nothing to do with your question!

Sorry - thought Doof's tagging mode explanation was what you were looking for.  I didn't have time to read it all.  I don't know of any way to quickly exclude people from a view.


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2004, 10:07:49 am »

IlPadrino, if there's one thing I've learned with this program, it's that 90% of the time, there is a way!! If it's not something that's already there, but hidden deep in the submenus, then it'll be some cool piece of lateral/combined thinking from other users.
See cmagic's reply. I'm not sure how well this will work here, but it looks very promising indeed.

I wish that you're right...  but this has been discussed before and the mechanics of MC seem quite clear.  If you want to use the Panes to filter images, you're stuck with the OR (within a column) and AND (across columns).  Or course, if you don't mind unelegant solutions, I guess you could always add a second People column next to the first - but I'd rather do the extra work at creating a custom restriction rather than be stuck with an extra column each time.  Well...  I guess I could create a special view scheme just for filtering by people.

I don't see how Cmagic's subject field helps, other than to let you easily find the photos where your selected People are the only ones in the photo.

I believe this is just a case of JRiver not wanting to break the cleanness of the panes by adding a checkbox at the top of each column that toggles between AND and OR for multiple fields within the column.  Because it would certainly add to the functionality!


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Re:v10 image library question.
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2004, 10:13:09 am »

I believe this is just a case of JRiver not wanting to break the cleanness of the panes by adding a checkbox at the top of each column that toggles between AND and OR for multiple fields within the column.  Because it would certainly add to the functionality!

Now that would be smooth. Neat idea.

I see that v11 is in developement stages. I wonder if those check boxes would be considered by jriver at all?
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