Although J River implements many user requests into their product, there are a number of things that were never done and sometimes we never heard any real reason for not doing so, sometimes reasons are given, but sometimes one was wondering why something was not going to happen.
I will list a few (some are mine, some are from others that I rememember over the last 3 years):
1. Improvement of Web Radio. Would be nice if Web radio would be implemented as a view scheme similar to Audio, Images, Video, Documents. Web Radio does not seem to have been ever touched since MJ7/8 days.
2. Improvement of TV Tuner. Would be also nice if TV Tuner would be implemented as a view scheme, so every media type could be defined through view schemes and the whole would be much more consistent
3. User selectable categories in Tag Info Window (that was asked over and over again at MJ8/9 times), ability to create user defined categories or at least categories according to media type. The present categories "General, Extended, File Info, Audio, Display" do not seem very intuitive.
4. Ability to use image database in a more fruitful manner like using images as revolving wallpaper, screensaver, ability to create different screensavers with database content (image+audio), create self-executing exe-files to burn on cd's so that we can make presents to friends.
5. Read-only version of MC to burn on cd together with some content
6. More configuration options for titles in slide shows (size, font, position etc.)
7. Possibility to decorate images with different frames (similar to what many artwork sellers do)
Just remember in this thread things that were asked many times, but never made it! And maybe J River may give some reasons for never have listened in those cases