Devices > Sound Cards, DAC's, Receivers, Speakers, and Headphones

WaveTerminal 192X ASIO Driver Problems



Just bought a very nice, high quality ESI Waveterminal 192X soundcard.  This is a 2 in / 6 out / 24 bit / 192 khz semi-professional sound card.  Card comes with an ASIO 2.0 WaveTerminal 192X driver which allows you access to the high speed and high resolution aspects of the card.  The driver works great with Nuendo and with Adobe Audition (Professional software).  However, when this driver is selected in Media Center (9), and I start to Play, I get the following error:

"There was an error starting playback.  Make sure that your system has a valid sound playback device and that it is properly configured in playback options.  (double check the output mode, output device, and output bitdepth)."

The settings don't matter.  Any setting with the ASIO 2.0 WaveTerminal 192X driver will fail.

I can get the card to work with MC9 using other drivers: "ASIO Direct X Full Duplex Driver", Wave Out, and Direct Sound.  However these all limit playback to 16 bits 96khz, which is NOT what I want.   I want to use the high resolution DSP functions available for 24 bit 192k output0, but these will simply get decimated by the 16 bit / 96 khz drivers that do work.  

This is a great card, and I'd sure love to see the great Media Center software support it.

Note: I already used up my 'trial' of MC10 a couple of months ago, before I got this card.  It didn't give me anything I didn't already have in MC9 (that I use), so I didn't buy it.   I'd be happy to give MC10 another shot, but I don't think I can.  I don't want to spend the bucks unless I know it will resolve my problem.  

Please help

 :)  Well, I took a gamble and paid the $15 for a Media Center 10 upgrade license.  It did resolve the ASIO problem.  So, the moral of the story is:

If you're having ASIO Driver problems, upgrade to at least MC10, version 10.0.155 or later.

BTW: This is such a cool product.  :-)


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