Nope, it is still updating the name and artist fields.
Matt or Jim, please help me make this stop. I'm so close to being finished with this project that has taken weeks to get to this point, and the computer holding all the music has been sold. i have to get the hard drives removed and deliver the machine soon. I need to get this done. Once the library is correct, I can update the iPod and be done. This is the only thing holding me up.
When I originally changed MC to make the [Notes] field the filename rule, and tested a couple of files, it worked. I selected about 3000 files, and updated, and it got to about 2500 then MC just closed, no message, no warning, just closed. I reopened and tried again, and it's back to updating the name and artist again. I restarted, and selected the [People] field, and it still updating name and artist.
I'm using v.111. I'd be happy to install an older version if there's one that will be more friendly with this, but i don't have time to try them all until I find one.
Please tell me I can get this done, and how, I'm so close