Im bored and I'm playing around with my PC. That's what we PC people do when were bored and havent slept in 2 days. Haha. Im what you would call.. hmm.. obsessive with my computer. Im always trying to find the perfect setup. I constantly shirk backups because "I may change something important tomorrow so I'll just have to do it again." Ive got my MC database chiseled down to the tune of at least 6 levels of sub-genres and at least 15 main genres. I spas when something doesn't line up just right. I develop twitches when I've got one program that doesnt conform to the windows "standard". Some would call me a control freak. I call it "Fine Tuning".
Which brings me to my reason for this post. To use Standard fonts, or ClearType. That is the question. I've been running on Standard for a few weeks now (Yes, mainly because I had one program that didnt display things in ClearType and it bugged me out). I'm finding now when I switch back to ClearType, it's really hard to read, even for a crisp UXGA LCD Laptop monitor.
So do any of you out there use ClearType? The only pluses I've seen to using clear type is that really small fonts are easier to read. If I get anything below 7 with any font and no ClearType, it may as well be chicken scratching, cuz I cant read it.
So in the midst of a battle of whose browser is best, I present a new fight, a skirmish per se. Something to break the MozilOperonotany.
Standard vs. ClearType
Who will win?