So until MC 11 with iPod support comes out (Jan 2005, fingers crossed) many of us (esp iPod photo users) will be stuck using iTunes for album art, photo support, and dynamic smartlists.
I found a very simple method of transferring MC ratings into iTunes - drag and drop. Need I say more:
1. Create an empty playlist in iTunes.
2. Create 5 smartlists in MC - rating 1, rating 2, etc. Set up the rules for each smartlist - rating=1, rating=2 etc.
3. In MC, open the rating 1 smartlist, then select all the files, and drag and drop them into your empty playlist in iTunes.
4. Select all the tunes in the playlist in iTunes, then right click -> My Rating -> 1 star.
5. Clear the playlist in iTunes, then repeat steps 3 & 4 for each rating playlist.
Too easy! (Worth stickying?)
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