I would appreciate help on the following issue with playing MC synchronized M3U playlist on my iRiver player.
I have used MC 11.0.129 to synchronize several playlist with iRiver H140 (firmware EU 1.60). The synchronization process went smoothly and transfered chosen files, re-created directories and playlists on the portable. However, when I attempt to play M3Us on iRiver the player responds with "Playlist read error".
I have opened a playlist in the Notepad and discovered that it represents a one continuos string with "" sign at the end of each song title. See below an example:
"\Depeche Mode\Singles\05 Marster & Servants.mp3\Depeche Mode\Singles\03 People Are People.mp3"
When I manually re-arranged the playlist in a standard form (removed the signs and made one title per line -see below a new example), the player reads the new playlist just fine.
"\Depeche Mode\Singles\05 Marster & Servants.mp3
\Depeche Mode\Singles\03 People Are People.mp3"
I have also checked playlist export option, which works fine and creates M3U playlist in a format readable by the player.. But then again, I had to remove the precedeing harddrive letter first.
Thank you for your ideas to solve the issue.