Why drag and drop every single folder if you have MC to do this for you for all your folders togehter in one or two clicks? I use "Library Tools > Rename Files From Properties".
Cos i find moving files via this method less intuitive than drag n drop. Rename files form properties i only use when i want to "actually" rename the filename from the tags, once thats done, its drag n drop (elsewhere if reqd).
And i only move a folder once i have listened to it, usually one at a time. its funny in more than a year of using MC i have never wanted to move more than a folder at a time. Or if i did, it was a folder of folders.
Besides you have to select a directory in rename from properties anyway. Granted its slightly easier than dragging to the right spot.
And if you ever change the the artist's name within MC you don't have to rename every single folder for all the artist's albums. Just one or two clicks...
So I don't see any reason to drag and drop manually. Exept the missing "folder.jpg"
Changing artist name is not related to moving, i do this from a view scheme as well.
Note that i'm changing the tag Artist here not the filename. This usually stays the same as i interact with the files via the tag names that MC shows.
At times I also use this function to change filenames & locations when Artist or Album name has been edited, also causing occurances of orphaned folders.
See above.
Regardless of whether I am correct there or not, there must be a better way than 12 to 20 copies of the same cover art and bio in an album.
There is no correct way, just a preference.
If you select all the files in a folder, images, media files, lyrics etc and then do a rename from properties are you saying that it only leaves the image file behind ? and moves all the other files.