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Author Topic: OT - Windows 2000 expert?  (Read 2885 times)


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OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« on: October 22, 2002, 11:43:33 pm »

I need to ask somebody some questions about the Windows 2000 Professional c:\Documents and Settings directory.  I have a bunch of folders (corresponding to 'old' versions of users) in there from previous loads of Win2k.  I was going to just move the ones I **think** aren't used anymore, and then later delete them, but to my disbelief, it appears that my IE cookies are being updated in almost all of them (and not all being deleted when I say they should).  I earn my living on this system, so I'm hesitant to just start deleting stuff.  Who can give me some advice on this?  I'd be glad to take it off the forum.

I realize this is way off-topic for here, but I don't hang out at any other forums, and, besides, I'm really, really shy.



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2002, 06:49:34 am »

If your question is how to remove the other user profiles you can do this:
Copy the folder from documents and settings to another location and rename them to something like jack_old or whatever. If you would like to remove them all together, use the 'delete user profile'. Get properties on My Computer then pick the User profile tab, highlight the desired user profile and click delete. This method is better than just deleting the folder. It's against my better judgement to help a packer fan but Hope this helps (J/k)



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2002, 07:08:43 am »

On my W2k comp, I find c:\Program Files but no c:\Documents and Settings directory. Anyhow IE cookies should be stored under your profile name (ie c:\winnt\Profiles\steve\cookies in my case). Temp int files are kept in c:\winnt\Profiles\steve\Temporary Internet Files (although I have "moved" the directory to d:\Temporary Internet Files).

>>from previous loads of Win2k
Meaning you've reinstalled W2k over top of an existing install w/o removing first?

I assume your trying to clean up your C drive: Your space savings will come from deleting offline file content (old HTML pages, images, etc.).

With IE do the following:
Go to Tools>Internet Options>General>Temporary Internet Files and do the Delete Files option. Do the same thing with Delete Cookies option (make sure you know all passwords to all your sites if you normally have IE autolog you in).

I would move (click on the Settings button) the IE store directory out of your C drive to D (if you have one). You have no control over where the Cookies crumble, though.

Other than temp int files & cookies, that's all I would touch. If you can't remove directories by uninstalling via Add/Remove Programs, then leave them (or else backup your registry & data files, reformat your c: drive, and reinstall OS & applications).



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2002, 12:03:29 pm »

Scronch: you can delete users as penniwise suggested, or get to the same tool through the Control Panel. You do need to be logged in as Administrator or an account with admin priviledges. Watch out for: Application Data, Local Settings, Favorites, My Documents and the Start Menu folders for each user account you're getting rid of. If any applications you've installed are tied to the user account under which they were installed, that data (shortcuts, config, etc) is probably not replicated elsewhere. You should be able to cut and paste or copy My Documents, Favorites and Start Menu items into the appropriate folders of the account of your choice (though links to files within the old My Documents folders may not work). Not sure about Application Data, since those are usually linked to a literal path.

You're exactly right - not all of IE's cookies get wiped properly without using a tool specifically for the job. I'm sure there are quite a few freeware/shareware tools out there. Or just use Mozilla ;D

xen-uno: did you upgrade to Win2K from NT4? I've never seen a 2K box without Documents and Settings - it's the default for user account settings and data.


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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2002, 12:17:33 pm »

>>Or just use Mozilla  

I'll 2nd that!

>>did you upgrade to Win2K from NT4?

I always do "clean" installs (deleted prev. version), but it's possible I merely upgraded.

I asked this on another post...How did u associate the word Mozilla w/ the underlying link? Easy to do in Hydrogen but not sure here.



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internet option is aRe: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2002, 12:46:38 pm »

I canno tell you about 200.
But i can tell you about cookies.To use internet otion to clean cookies is a performant than milking a cow with boxing gloves.
You do need a program or going inside Windows-internet explorer and delete yourself.
With Opera you can set to 'delete cookies when closing browser'.Not very convenient.
Mozilla and Netscape have a very good  way to manage cookies.Unlike IE but as all knows IE stand for Idiot Eternal.......

Robert Taylor

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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2002, 03:00:41 pm »

You can check/delete user profiles in one hit by going hitting WindowsKey-Break / User Profiles tab (or Control Panel / System / User Profiles tab).

From there it tells you how much each user profile is using space-wise, and when it was last modified.


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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2002, 04:11:38 pm »

I appreciate all the responses.

I am familiar with managing cookies.  I do so through IE and with an external cookie manager.

I am still confused on the folders in the Documents and Settings directory.  When I look at Control Panel / System / User Profiles, I see:

Joe Schmoe
Joe T. Schmoe

(the names have been changed to protect the innocent)

But in the Documents and Settings directory, I see:

All Users
All Users.WINNT
Default User
Default User.WINNT
Joe Schmoe.DELL8000
Joe Schmoe.OLD
Joe T. Schmoe

Some of these I recognize, some I don't.  What really bothers me is when I look under the corresponding Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/xxxxxx directory, I see cookies that have been modified TODAY, IN ALL OF THESE DIRECTORIES:

Default User
Default User.WINNT
Joe Schmoe.DELL8000
Joe Schmoe.OLD
Joe T. Schmoe

However, this system is ONLY accessed through one user name, which is Joe Schmoe (apparently corresponding to Joe Schmoe.DELL8000).

So--WHY do all the other folders get cookies from today?

I think this may be related to the problem I have clearing the history in IE.  When I clear the history and delete all temporary files, when I go back into IE, the history is back.  What's with that?

I was thinking about moving some of the extra "profile directories" to see if I could eventually delete them, but I don't want to crash my system.



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2002, 05:07:26 pm »

Cookies- it depends on whether you mean the index.dat file has a modified date, or there are username@sitename.txt files that are modified. If the former, that's no big deal - those are system files, they get refreshed automatically. If the latter, I don't know but I would be parannoyed (joke) and run antivirus and trojan scans (not a joke).
Directories- All Users and Default User are standard directories - I don't recommend altering them, except for moving Start Menu shortcuts or Favorite items if you feel like it. When account directories have WINNT appended, they are usually replacements (after you do a reinstall, etc). To further complicate your life, some 3rd-party applications are not smart enough to get the current user name and they wind up recreating directories with default names to put their Application Data subdirectories into.
Bottom line on this, IMO, is to ask yourself whether some extra dirs are irritating enough to spend hours of time researching, backing up, etc. and hoping you're not screwing up anything.
History- I don't use IE except for some testing, afraid I can't help with this one.

xen-uno: When you post a reply, pressing this button

should give you this code in the message window:
Code: [Select]
which you can modify like this:
Code: [Select]


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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2002, 05:19:17 pm »

phelt -


It is the latter.  Like in Joe Schmoe.OLD, right now in Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/xxxxxx, I see:

Last modified just a few minutes ago.

Same in other "user profile" directories.

I am paranoid.

I ran a full-system Norton AntiVirus scan.  Clean.
How do you run a trojan scan?  I assume Norton does that.


I agree that this isn't worth the risk of trashing my system, nor worth a lot of time.  But it really bugs me that these cookies are being set all over the place; and when I delete them, they're only deleted in one of these directories; and when I clear IE history, it comes back.

Thanks for the input.



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2002, 06:39:53 pm »

Maybe ZoneAlarm for trojans
If not you can try PesTControl
The free one,to buy it is not much of money well spend.
There is other programs.
Others will tell you


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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2002, 08:19:42 pm »

For trojan scanning, I am partial to The Cleaner.

It seems odd that cookies would be modified. By 'odd' I mean that I can't understand the purpose or benefit, regardless of the motivation. Obviously you'll decide what's best for you, I can only tell you what I would do:
1)stock up on beer
2)prepare myself, spiritually, for possible reinstallation of Win2K (drink the beers regularly during the following steps)
3)run a trojan scan
4)use the users/accounts tool to delete any extra users
5)delete any remaining account folders that do not end in WINNT or are not tied to a known account
6)curse as Windows refuses to delete certain things without providing a reasonable explanation or alternative
7)delete the aforementioned offending files using methods specifically contraindicated in the manual and guaranteed to invalidate the support agreement - I must not lose to the machine
7b)fidget and sip beer nervously during the tense reboot sequence

...or I might just set the annoying cookie files to read-only and see what happens

Robert Taylor

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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2002, 04:03:59 am »

Just a thought!

Maybe try Ad-Aware...

Maybe you've got some nuts spyware on yer machine...



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2002, 05:34:54 pm »

Lunchmeat - Good idea, although I already run Ad-Aware regularly.  I also run Guard-IE and (Symantec) Norton AntiVirus.

phelt - You've succeeded in scaring me.  I will think on this for a while.  For now, I have to go bartend at the pub for 4 hours.  I may even tip a few.   ;D



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Re: OT - Windows 2000 expert?
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2002, 10:23:55 pm »


Xenno> How did u associate the word Mozilla w/ the underlying link?

Cool...Got it...Thanks

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