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Author Topic: MC 11 and G-Force 2.8 Stability - Fixed  (Read 1352 times)


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MC 11 and G-Force 2.8 Stability - Fixed
« on: March 21, 2005, 11:39:00 pm »

My stability problems with the newest build of MC are not gone, unfortunately.  However, I believe that the problems are with G-Force (v2.8) rather than directly with MC ... I suspect that these problems are due to some change in MC though, because I believe I've been running G-Force 2.8 with MC11 for some time without major problem until the more recent (.210-ish) builds.  Plus, the problem seems to be getting worse with each sucessive build of MC.

The Media Core error signature:

AppName: media center.exe AppVer: ModName: g-force_api.dll
ModVer: Offset: 000699e9

If I revert back to .218 the problem isn't as bad, but is certainly still an issue.  I may roll back progressively to see if I can find the start of the problem, and can post debug information if needed.

On another different (but similar) machine, I have MC 11.0.201 and G-Force 2.71 installed and they work fine.  I will also upgrade this machine to .220 and see if there are problems with the older version of G-Force (or if it is specific to 2.8).

If anyone else is suffering from signifigant stability problems when using MC11.0.210+ builds and G-Force 2.8, it could be that you have an outdated copy of G-Force.  It appears that G-Force was changed after it was initially released due to problems with crashing and iTunes in Windows, but they didn't increment the version number (I hate that)....

I was having a lot of problems with G-Force, using a build modified 2005-02-18.  If your copy of G-Force is old and you are having problems, you may want to re-download it.  I found no mention of problems with MC related to this older build on the G-Force forums, but I tried it anyway...

My problems went away completely.
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