I'd been looking for a nice iTunes skin for MC, and recently set about creating the most authentic iTunes skin for MC as possible (this was not easy, and of course, the final result is not perfect):
http://www.discrete-labs.com/me/itunes/itunes.zipA few elements are based on seviien's MiTunes (I think just the progress bar and scroll bars) and everything else has been created from scratch. 90% of my skin is based off of actual Panther screen captures I took (brushed metal and aqua dialogs), and a few things from iTunes 4.7.1 (Win version). I've tried to keep this as close to the Mac version of iTunes as possible, altho since I was working from the Win version, there may be a few differences (min/max/close buttons are right-aligned, for instance, b/c of problems with menus when left-aligning these buttons). Main window is brushed metal, dialogs are all aquafied. You WILL need the LucidaMAC font to see dialog captions properly, but if you don't, they won't look *too* terrible

If you wanna use a different font, just edit the main.xml file with notepad.
Hopefully, some day there'll be a way to change the media buttons, make the playerbar so it doesn't have to fill the whole width of the window, and maybe even add javascript or something so we can add playlist/shuffle/repeat buttons etc at the bottom!