I'm not sure if I needed to start a new post for this, but there are a couple featues I was hoping for in release 11. One difference I noticed from release 10 to 11: when moving or changing the order of files under "playing now" the cursur is no longer easily placed where the new position is desired. In other words, in release 10 when you moved a song up or down in the list, a bold horizontal line snapped to positions between the songs to indicate where the new position would be. In release 11, the indicator is faint and does not snap into positive positions. What's worse is sometimes the song is placed up to 5-10 songs up or down the playlist. This ruins the software for DJ applications. I was hoping to see this resolved in later beta versions, but I have not seen this change yet.
Also, I was hoping for a synchronization feature so one could have a main PC database and another PC with a backup database, but be able to make changes at either location, including to playlists, and be able to synchronize both. I explored many possible ways to accomplish this, but none are simple or automatic. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.