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Author Topic: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem  (Read 2088 times)


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Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« on: June 16, 2005, 01:26:06 am »

It appears that when transferring files MC uses the library size to determine how much can fit on the portable.
I told my son to use the synchronization feature to simplify maintaining the songs on his portable. So he created a playlist with 35 songs which according to MC is 808.2 MB. The bulk of the songs are in APE format. The Lyra has a 512MB SD card installed. MC is setup to convert always to MP3 ABR with 192kbps target rate.
When he tries to synchronize he gets an error saying that the files won't fit when actually after conversion they only take up about 170MB.
I realize that unless MC actually does the conversion it can't determine how much space will be consumed but shouldn't MC at least transfer what it can until it actually runs out of space. The playlist could then be adjusted accordingly.

Using MC 11.0.293


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Re: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2005, 12:26:32 pm »

I was about to write the same thing. I have an iRiver 128 iFp.  To really load it up you have to choose 120MB of songs, transfer/convert.  then pick about 60 MB of songs, transfer/convert, then 30MBetc etc . I never do it because it takes too much time.

It would also be nice to pick 2 or 3 albums and tranfer them without having to go to the list and delete the last three songs because they don't fit.

So it would be great if instead of just getting the message that there are too many songs in the queue, there was the option to say, "Do the best you can" and let it go.


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Re: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2005, 08:01:56 pm »

We can consider this feature in the future. In the meantime, be aware that MC does take into account the conversion when estimating available size after the transfer. With VBR conversion this is not precise.


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Re: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 01:27:37 am »

I used ABR with a target of 192 not VBR if that makes a difference. Also checked the CBR option.

It doesn't appear that it took the conversion into account.

For a test I put a 32MB card in. MC says I have 29.1MB available.
I created a playlist with 5 songs total of 140.8MB, all APE
If I try and synch this playlist I get the message -111.7MB available after sync, 140.8 - 29.1 = 111.7.
If I press transfer anyway I get the message I am over capacity by 111.7 and no transfer happens.
The same 5 files convereted to mp3 as described above total 28.8 and fit fine. Now I realize all MC can do is estimate and this playlist is cutting it pretty fine soooo...

As a further test I picked just one song.
Size of the APE version was 37.6MB when I tried to transfer I got the same messages just the math was different by the size of the file. The mp3 version of the song was 7.9MB

So unless I am missing something it appears that MC is not taking the conversion into account. If it is I would be interested in seeing what MC estimated the size after conversion of the one song example was. If there is something else I can try let me know but as it is the whole sync/transfer functionality as it is seems pretty useless unless you store your files in MC as MP3 or WMA and don't try to convert when you transfer to your portable.


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Re: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 09:36:17 am »


Upon further review, good catch. This is fixed in the next build. Thanks to our good neighbors to the north.



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Re: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2005, 09:49:53 pm »

Thanks, it looks to be working ok now.

Sorry about the double post. I posted here and then later on after thinking about it figured this had to be a bug so I posted in the other forum.

Thanks again for your help, my kids are very happy.


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Re: Transfer to RCA Lyra problem
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2005, 09:25:25 am »

MC 11. Not just a great media organizer, but also the key to familial bliss.

All of this for $40 american  :)
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