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Author Topic: WindowClass Registry value  (Read 724 times)


  • Regular Member
  • Junior Woodchuck
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WindowClass Registry value
« on: September 30, 2002, 06:13:10 am »

I have been trying to edit my Multimedia keys on my Toshiba Satelite 1805. The program that Toshiba has only lets me reprogram 3 out of the 7 or so buttons. there is a button that is to open up Windows Media Player. I found in the registry that the values for the buttons are stored there. I have figured out the some of the registry values (Name, Path, etc) and have edited them accordingly. There is a value called WindowClass which is set at WMPlayerApp. I've tried changing this to "MedaiJukeboxApp", but it hasn't worked. Can any one here help me out???

thanks in advance.

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