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Author Topic: Day and Month lost on conversion  (Read 947 times)

Shady Bimmer

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Day and Month lost on conversion
« on: November 29, 2005, 08:43:16 pm »

I have a considerable number of live performances that I've imported into MC.  I populate the Date field with the day, month, and year for all of these.  Upon converting from FLAC or WAV to APE, the month and day both appear to be "lost" and MC only retains the year.  This happens regardless of whether the original FLAC/WAV are imported or not.

I had brought this up long ago (MC10?) but perhaps it was missed.

Does anyone else see this?

Can this be fixed with 11.1?

[Edit:]  This behavior exists with 11.0.316 currently - I have not checked 11.1 yet.


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Re: Day and Month lost on conversion
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 06:29:35 pm »

While developing the flac plugins, I came across this as well -- there is a post somewhere in the developer forum, but I'm obviously too lazy to go find it  ;D

The problem is (or at least was) that MC uses several different fields and is not consistent.  There is "Year" as well as "Date".  Date is a number (an integer, actually, representing a number of days) while Year is a string.  IIRC, when reading tagged info from the files it looks for "Year" first followed by "Date", but it writes only "Date".  "Year" is apparantly deprecated and will not be carried forward.  Not sure if it's in 11.1 or not.

In any case, the decoder plugin is what determines how the info is used and stored in the files.  However, the info will generally be maintained in the database unless the database is updated from the tag info -- this is where the day/month/year info is replaced by only "Year".  I haven't tested it, but the conversion probably causes and auotmatic update from tags since it would need to get new file size, bitrate, etc. info from the new file.

You might try converting to a new file and then copying the tags from the old one to the new one afterwords.  Then delete the old one.  That way, you will at least be able to maintain the tags.

Shady Bimmer

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Re: Day and Month lost on conversion
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2005, 06:57:32 pm »

I thought of the possibility of file tags being a cause, but the probem occurs when converting both imported files as well as non-imported files.  Many of my conversions are from WAV so there would be no file tags to start with, but the MC library information still seems to be lost.

I'd expect that using MC to convert formats wouldn't corrupt library data but it does seem to :(

I had brought this up long ago, but never got any response - not even a confirmation or denial that it is a problem.

I'll try unchecking the option to delete the original file after conversion and see what happens.
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