It looks like it's a feature of the mini skins.
If you look under
M:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\MiniSkins\
You'll find the mini skins folder.
Under each skin you'll find a main.xml
If you look at main.xml you'll find a section called <INFODISPLAYS>
Heres a sample section from SonixMedia
<Entry Name="Title" Tip="Title" TrackInfo=" NAME " Rect="7,25,175,42" Align="Rotate">
<Colors Text="00FF00" />
<Font Facename="Bank Gothic Medium BT" Size="12" Weight="100" Italic="0"/>
<Entry Name="TimeElapsed" Tip="Elapsed Time" TrackInfo=" ELAPSED_TIME " Rect="6,70,177,100">
<Colors Text="00BB00" />
<Font Facename="Bank Gothic Medium BT" Size="38" Weight="100" Italic="0"/>
So theoretically you can just change the trackInfo Parameter to what ever is you wish to display.
The following page gives you info on how to set the trackInfo Parameter to get the customisation you desire.
Do a search on trackInfo warned that there was a small bug found earlier today when using TrackInfo Visualisations earlier which may effect this also.