I just resized my entire collection of cover art to 300x300 using a batch resizing program. I deleted the cover art out of the cover art folder and put in the newly resized ones and then fired up MC11.
First thing i noticed was that any cover art that was resized, about 60% of my collection was all ready 3000x300, now doesn't show up in my track info visualizations. So i went and removed all the cover art from the thumbnails and then did a quick find and got all the art back.
1. I still had about 130 albums out of 1,000 not displaying cover art becuase the artist/album names don't match exactly to what the cover art is named, is there a way to put a fudge factor into an expression or something so if 80% of the tag is correct it will find the art?
2. It would be nice if there was a way that we could force all cover art to be a certain size in the future or can this be done now?
3. i previsously asked this and didn't get a answer, but how come when one deletes cover art and the folder they still remain behind? is there some way to go back afterwards and delete all the unused cover art and folders?