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Author Topic: Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11... now a Reality  (Read 2012 times)

Mr ChriZ

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Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11... now a Reality
« on: December 31, 2005, 09:33:31 am »

Technically speaking....
Would people be interested in a plug in that allowed
the editing, saving, loading, compiling, and running of C# Scripts
that allow you to Control MC?

The Scripts would obviously use the same interface that normal plugins
use.  The scripting engine would be the following

Which is a fantastic program I recommend anyone interested in Scripts look
at regardless.

The script files would have exactly the same syntax as C#.  Infact
most things you can do with C# you can do with the script engine.

If enough people are interested then I'll have a crack at it.
Basically it would give people more control without having to understand
how the plugin architecture works.  People could share useful scripts
(.cs) files with each other.

The plugin itself would be written in C# and be open source.

Just an idea anyway.
Let me know if you think it sux!

Michel Lefebvre

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Re: Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2006, 11:44:52 am »

I'd be interested in that.


Mr ChriZ

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Re: Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2006, 05:47:07 pm »

Does JRiver need any .NET developers?
I'm kinda enjoying myself at the moment!

I've just got my plugin to control the volume through a script.
It's starting to come together.
I hope Michel isn't the only one interested, but it's a
good challenge regardless!

Mr ChriZ

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C# Scripting for MC 11
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 08:25:36 pm »

I've completed it.
I've no idea whether it's of anyuse or not but there you go :-)

Available here


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Re: Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11... now a Reality
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2006, 01:17:00 am »

I'm an IT manager and a software tester by day.  I don't write code outside of batch files and login scripts though.

Could this be used as sort of a macro for repetitive events?

For example, when I import a new album I do a series of things.
Clean track properties
rename files from properties
analyze audio
find coverart from internet
run the atagger plugin to verify a few of the fields that matter to me.

If this could be scripted in your plugin, then accessed via a hotkey combination, I'd use that all the time.
Import files, hit win-ctrl-i, go grab a beer.

The context menu remembering the last x commands helps with this, but it's still quite a bit of manual work to select each of them over and over.


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Re: Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11... now a Reality
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2006, 03:02:17 am »

I'd be interested in it. If I understand correctly, this will enable me to write some kind of equivalent of a batch file?

Mr ChriZ

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Re: Idea: C# Scripting for MC 11... now a Reality
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2006, 05:19:18 am »

Beta Version available here
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