I'm using mc every day have about 80000 tracks ripped and using it in a live enviroment for my pub/club to play the background music...wonderful...but:
1.why wouldn't you give the program a "one button" feature to preview single files in another "zone" the "feature is jet inclueded in mc by supporting different zones but why not supporting to "previev" songs? I dunnot understand that.
2. in the rename requestor it would be wonderful to preview and example of the files selected and beeing renamed..to know wht will be going n if I press okay...also it would be nice to have there a "save" option to store my setting for example...samplers, singles, normal CD, heringbooks etc.
3. The replay gain is a nice thing, but isn't it possible to do something that is compatible with other prg's and devices..like mp3gain ? (just a question)
4. I hate, while working with your software, that if I select on the left side another tree I cannot go back to the position I was before if I switch back to the old tree...in the search function it would also be wonderful to last my "search explanation" in there...how often did it happen that i was in playing now...typed a diffic. search in and then recognized that I forgot to switch to my lybrary.
5. It would be wonderful to have on the left hand side the possibillity to open more than one feature at once ...for example a)edit the tags AND b) have the album pic shown
6. In the rename requestor (from tag or to tag) it would be a nice feature to have beneath the dialouge a list of "fields" or "special carcters" to drop via mouse into the fields [maybe also nice for the search fields]
7. I'm using mc with a lot of german songs and artist and i think in scandinavia etc. the feature would also be welcomed...the sort of "A, The" in front of the artists songs etc. could be expanded to a ...config file that is possible to be edited by the user cause here in Germany we have also "Der,Die,Das" or in spain or italy there are other words.
8. A fuzzy search for dups would be nice to see songs that have only the difference of 1 or 2 caracters in the album, artist or songname tag...this would also be nice to find double ripped music that was expanded by the brackets with a number (1) or (2)