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Author Topic: Why does next song show...  (Read 2231 times)


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Why does next song show...
« on: June 24, 2003, 06:13:36 am »

...before the last one's finished?  ?

The next song is displayed in the bottom left usually about 7 or 8 seconds before the old one has stopped and the time counts up in minus seconds.

Is there a setting to change this?


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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2003, 06:31:55 am »

Could it be that you have any sort of cross-fading applied to play-back?

Tools -> Options -> Playback


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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2003, 06:32:05 am »

no problem here :D

yes there is a setting.

it is the one for the crossfade.    set it to gapless or standard.

the next song is set to crossfade so the player is just getting it ready about 7 or 8 seconds from the end of the first song.

roving cowboy / keith hall


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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2003, 08:32:52 am »

Thanks guys  :)
But I have both settings for gapless under options/playback but it still happens.  ?

I tried 'standard' and it's the same.
And it's the same playing back mp3, ogg or CD.


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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2003, 02:14:14 pm »

Why does next song show before the last one's finished?

Because the next song is buffered into memory before the one currently playing is finished. It helps to keep playback smooth, with out any pops or skips. You can adjust the buffering in the Playback Options.



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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2003, 03:00:53 am »

Thanks guys  :)
But I have both settings for gapless under options/playback but it still happens.  ?

I tried 'standard' and it's the same.
And it's the same playing back mp3, ogg or CD.

this is strange since you have it on gapless?  i have not noticed if it is doing that on mine so it must  not be if it is showing up on yours this noticable.

but  put the seting on standard and adjust the size of the gap to 2 seconds and see if it still does it.?

i am thinking that the song files you have do not have any slient space in front or at the end of the song.

this would make the song over lap a couple seconds even in gapless i believe.

since it will try to make a smooth gapless transfer from one song to the next.  and that is where the silent 2 seconds on the front and end of the song will help.

roving cowboy / keith hall


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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2003, 06:22:57 am »

thanks again  :)

Because the next song is buffered into memory before the one currently playing is finished.

Does that mean it's the same for everyone? I find it annoying because it's often in the last few seconds I want to know the name of the song, but it's already moved on.

but  put the seting on standard and adjust the size of the gap to 2 seconds and see if it still does it.?

That just adds 2 seconds to the time the next song is displayed while the current one is finishing. ?


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Re: Why does next song show...
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2003, 10:45:00 am »

Does that mean it's the same for everyone?

I don't know. I assume so. It's always done that on my computer.

I find it annoying because it's often in the last few seconds I want to know the name of the song, but it's already moved on.

The Playing Now view lists the tracks in the order that they've been played.

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