Just picked up this mp3 player (RCA Lyra RD1080) yesterday and was wondering if you guys know if a plugin exists for it so that I can use MJ instead of Music Match which is supplied.
If no plugin exists, what is the procedure that most people have followed to get the company (in this case RCA, Lyra) to support an MJ plugin, and has it been a success?
Any help would be greatly appreciated since this is a really cool player and is exactly what I wanted it to be, except for the supplied software. It's a little bit of a pain in the ass to have to create playlists in MJ and then import them into MMJ to have to send the songs to the device.
BTW, I did try using MJ with the device and the mp3 tracks uploaded just fine but the player didn't recognize them. I think MMJ probably adds some kind of header to the files so that the device recognizes which software they were uploaded with.
Thanks, Randy.