Edit : this does not work!!!! all iparam values are random values that worked only during a single windows session. after a reboot I realised that iparam values were changed : 
I found a simple way (using girder) to control GForce in MC.
This works with GForce 3 and girder 4. Automatic "Waveshape/ColorMap/FlowField" Shuttling must be turned off on the toolbar.
Use "Command Capture" actions with these settings for each one:
- Window Picker :
- Check "Match invisble tasks"
- Name : G-Force Toolbar
- ClassName : SoundSpectrum G-Force Toolbar
- Executable : G-Force toolbar.exe
- ChildClass : SoundSpectrum G-Force Toolbar
- Command Capture :
- Message : 273
- SendMethod : SendMessage
- WaveShape Next :
- wParam : 10
- iParam : 262908
- WaveShape Previous :
- wParam : 9
- iParam : 197444
- ColorMap Next :
- wParam : 15
- iParam : 2228962
- ColorMap Previous :
- wParam : 14
- iParam : 590728
- Flowfield Next :
- wParam : 20
- iParam : 1246188
- Flowfield Previous :
- wParam : 19
- iParam : 1639300
- WaveShape Randomize :
- wParam : 10
- iParam : 262908
- ColorMap Randomize :
- wParam : 12
- iParam : 197368
- Flowfield Randomize :
- wParam : 19
- iParam : 1639300
- Show TrackName Text / Covert :
- wParam : 26
- iParam : 394104
- Start Random Image or Video:
- wParam : 4
- iParam : 2229088
- Stop all Images or Videos:
- wParam : 17
- iParam : 852990
- Start a lot of Particules (??):
- wParam : 3
- iParam : 263070
- Stop all Particules:
- wParam : 6
- iParam : 328368
I did not find a way to change other settings like turning automatic shuttle on/off or changing line thickness, so if someone plays with the capture sttings and find something just let me know!
Hope someone find this usefull...