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Author Topic: installed MJ on new computer, imported playlists, no tracks showing up  (Read 1375 times)


  • Guest

Thank goodness I didn't wipe the hard drive of my Zen Micro BEFORE I made sure everything was working on the new computer.

All of my playlists imported into MJ8, but none of them show any files in the playlists.  And then when I imported them into Creative MedicaSource for the Zen, everything showed up as "unknown" for every bit of information.  I had exported them as m3u playlists (they had worked at Christmas, last time I updated my mp3 player).  I am going to go completely insane if I have to try to reconstruct them all from CDs I've made, my mp3 player, prelim lists I've written in journals, and MEMORY, since THAT went a long time ago...  HELP!  There has to be a way I can see the info in those playlist files.

Thanks -


  • Guest

Is there just not a way to fix this problem?  Or are people reading this and rolling their eyes because I don't know the answer? 


Alex B

  • MC Beta Team
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  • Posts: 10121
  • The Cosmic Bird

What exactly is your situation? You mentioned a new computer. Did you copy the media files to an identical location on your new PC? Did you restore an MJ8 library backup file? Does the media library contain the files that are missing from the playlists?

You could open one of the external playlist files with Notepad and check if the filenames contain folder paths. The folder paths must be identical with the media file location. If the playlist does not contain folder paths you must place it in the same folder with the media files.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


  • Guest

Okay - my brother-in-law actually transferred everything from one computer to the other, I didn't.  But no, actually, on the old computer I somehow had four files of music, and he just put everything into one big file on the new computer, so it's not all the same.  The library does have all of the files that are in the playlists, but they are not in the location that they were in - in fact, once he had transferred them to the new computer, he then took my old hard drive and put it in a case, reformatted it, and set it up as the E drive for the new computer and transferred everything to THAT, so they're not even on the same drive that they were before.

BUT - you said I can open the playlists in notepad?  So I can open them and read the track list?  That's all I really want, and only for a few.  Most of them are just mix lists that I can recreate, but some had a specific order that I would have a hard time remembering.

Thank you!
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