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Author Topic: Media Center 11.1.163  (Read 4151 times)


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Media Center 11.1.163
« on: April 04, 2006, 05:19:37 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 11.1.  Your MC11.0 license will work with it.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.  MC11.1 is a free upgrade from MC11.0. 

If you're new to MC11, please use the build from our download page here:

This latest build (usually safe) of MC11.1 is here:

11.1.163 (4/4/2006)

1. NEW: Added native support for Canon RAW files using the Canon SDK. (.CR2, .CRW)
2. Changed: Back and forward added to available remote control commands.
3. Changed: Reworked how playback / conversion components are loaded. (primarily an internal change -- please report any issues)
4. Changed: Image slideshow time doesn't progress until the next image has finished loading. (which could be a little while for images on a slow server)
5. Changed: Enter does the same thing as double-click for library tiles. (goes into)
6. Fixed: Visualization flush component would flip the red and blue in user entered colors.
7. Changed: View headers show images associated with files in the list when there's no selection instead of showing the stock image.
8. Changed: Improved stack building logic so no thumb images are never on the top of the stack.
9. Changed: If a stack has no items with art, a single no tile image is drawn instead of a stack.
10. Fixed: Playing a file while Media Server was running without Media Center running could produce strange results.
11. Fixed: In some cases, areas between and below tiles would not redraw properly.
12. Changed: PerbCast server version updated.
13. Changed: More graph building tweaks for DVB-T TV support.
14. NEW: Updated the German translation. (thanks bytestar!)

11.1.162 (4/3/2006)

1. Fixed: Virtual handheld devices that pointed to a network share would not work properly.
2. Changed: Doing a "Locate" followed by a "Back" command wouldn't properly clear the search box.
3. Fixed: User customization of library field categories wouldn't persist between runs.
4. NEW: Added Lyrics support for iPods. (requires MP3 files with lyrics embedded in the tags -- which MC does by default)
5. Changed: Certain WAV files (e.g. Dolby Digital WAV) that used to be routed to DirectX Player are now routed to native playback engine.
6. Fixed: Certain characters (#, ? and a few others) in filenames would break library server.
7. Fixed: Certain protected WMA files would not transfer to portable devices.

11.1.161 (4/3/2006)

1. Changed: Shrunk title area font slightly.
2. Fixed: In Panes views, the "Options" menu would not populate.

11.1.160 (3/31/2006)

1. Changed: Added country list on "TV Channels" property page so that people without an analog tuner device can still select a country for digital devices.
2. Changed: More debug logging for TV.
3. Fixed: The drop list below a My Computer view could lose its font when being resized.
4. Changed: The drop list below a My Computer view no longer flickers during resize.
5. Fixed: Edit controls with borders and dividers on dialogs wouldn't always redraw properly. (TV View, Plugin Manager, etc.)
6. Changed: Clicking an item in the panes doesn't clear the search box.
7. Changed: Auto-show menus in library view don't disappear immediately when the mouse leaves them, but instead after a short delay. (so briefly overshooting doesn't hide the menu)
8. Changed: Deleting a file from the details list below a grouping library list no longer resets the scroll position.
9. Changed: The installer uses the user's current skin as long as their current skin is included in the build. (the installer couldn't safely depend on skins it doesn't include)
10. Fixed: Since MC build 11.1.157 TV would fail to load audio device in some cases.
11. Fixed: Scrollbars wouldn't properly show or hide in lists under certain circumstances or Windows versions.
12. Changed: Player window text sizing auto-fits the text instead of trying to honor the font size in Options > Tree & View. (since there's a fixed height)
13. NEW: Added a view header bar to My Computer views.
14. Changed: All view headers show a thumbnail size slider when in thumbnail mode. (instead of just library views)
15. Fixed: SDK access of thumbnails on systems with more than 2GB of thumbnails would not work properly.
16. Fixed: Import Action Window was not properly supporting translation.

New Features in MC 11.1
Podcasting support, with OneClick Podcast subscription
Audible fully supported
Much improved handheld support for iPod, PlayforSure devices, and many others
User-configurable locations for media types on handhelds
iPod Shuffle and Nano support
Photos and album art on iPods that support it
Automatic backup of library
Directshow support for AAC files
Much faster handling of thumbnail images (requires one-time rebuild of thumbnails)
New thumbnail slider bar for resizing
Integrated library and library browser system
Support for Dvico's FusionHDTV 5 USB
Improved translation system and several new languages
Perfectly gapless MP3 playback (when files were encoded with a recent version of LAME)
New thumbnail size slider bar
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 05:36:19 pm »

Hey Matt.... The thumnail slider doesn't seem to do anything in this build. 

Can we also have a size all thumnail option.  To have to resize the thumbs for every view is annoying.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 05:40:10 pm »

Hey Matt.... The thumnail slider doesn't seem to do anything in this build.

Confirmed.  It only affects grouping-type views, and if you scroll the sizes will update.

Look for a fix tomorrow.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 06:10:04 pm »

Clicking on the column header to sort by track # or disc # does not bring empty values to the top as I would expect.

I have an older version (11.1.143) on a different pc and that behaves as I would expect.

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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 06:54:03 pm »

I've just installed this version and now my m4a files won't play, and it incurs errors when I try to change the tags.  I'm running audioscrobbler, otherwise it's stock.  Not really sure why this is happening.

Dutch Peter

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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 11:57:09 pm »

I think we have a strong case to put the 'show all links' feature back in!

Please check this thread:

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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2006, 12:31:50 am »

Keyboard/Remote Focus Issues:

Here's what I found trying to run MC strictly via Keyboard/Remote (sending Keyboard/MCC commands) browsing my Audio view scheme which is set up: Decade / Genre / Artist / Album

1) Alt-1-9 (and their MCC equivalents) leaves the focus in the tree instead of the right-side content.  Not real handy and rather confusing if the Tree is hidden.

2) Switching to the Audio view-scheme tree item (via Alt-3) then hitting Tab to move to the right side to start browsing albums via coverart does not visually select any item and it seems it actually selects ALL items (Panes view works just fine).  I conclude this, because pressing Enter immediately after Tabbing has the same effect as selecting everything and hitting Enter.  If you move the selection via the arrow keys after hitting Tab the appropriate item is selected and you're good to go.
Note: Picking a different view-scheme item from the drop-down menu also has the same focus problem.

3) Hitting Enter on a stack of albums now enters the stack - YEAH! - but the focus goes to some unknown hiding place that Tab cannot recover from!  This is currently the biggest problem.

OK, use the mouse to select one of the albums to regain focus...

4) After using the mouse to select one of the individual albums, I can't find a non-mouse way to add the selected Album(s) to Playing now (Alt-TSLA doesn't count), or even just play that album replacing Playing Now (which I never do anyway). The MCC command MCC_TREE_ADD_TO_PLAYING_NOW seems to add the whole Audio tree, not just the album I have selected and I don't see a MCC_ADD_SELECTED_TO_PLAYING_NOW or equivalent.

5) Pressing Enter on the selected album brings up the file list as expected, but leaves the focus on the Album (I'm 50/50 on whether this is the right thing to do).  Unfortunately, Tab cycles back to the Tree, instead of down into the file list.  The second press of Tab moves away from the tree, but does not visually highlight anything.  If you press the down arrow key the first track is now selected.  Tabbing back around the loop to the file list seems to work just fine, so it's only the initial tab after viewing that has issues.

6) Duplicate 4, but for a single track...


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2006, 02:24:33 am »

I think i tracked down the problem of some asx streams and why tracks names are changed to the next one's name when finishing the current track,.. i think its has something to do with the gapless playback.. as gapless playback always change (in the status bar) at the last seconds of each track to the next one name...


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2006, 03:40:18 am »

head into library browser land and then type into the search field.

The results can be seen in the status bar, but no thumbnails are shown. Clicking a letter on the alphabet bar brings them out of hiding, but if there's no alphabet bar offered up, tough. Files show in the list, but no thumbs, not even a refresh brings them out of hiding.

please let us have bi-directional links back. I'd settle for a reghack. I notice that the "Library View - Show Bidirectional Links" entry is still present in the 'properties' key of the registry. Can't that just be allowed to work?


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2006, 05:20:46 am »

1. view artist tiles
2. click albums for one artist
3. click files for one album
4. open tag info window
5. change something
6. hit F5 refresh
7. all tiles disappear
8. need to go back to artists view and then return to see the tiles again


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2006, 05:37:34 am »

I've seen a big blank space where there should be tiles too. didnt do anything special, I just entered a viewscheme and everything at top was blank until i changed to another field to view by.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2006, 08:54:29 am »


Navigation leaves the focus on the tree so you can use up/down to keep navigating. 

Also, a list can be focused with nothing selected -- it'd cause strange problems if we automatically selected something. (panes don't count since they select "All" automatically)

Next build will have:
Changed: Entering into a tile with the Enter key wouldn't give the keyboard focus to the new list.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2006, 09:12:17 am »

I've just installed this version and now my m4a files won't play, and it incurs errors when I try to change the tags.  I'm running audioscrobbler, otherwise it's stock.  Not really sure why this is happening.

I can not reproduce this. All my m4a files play fine. Can you try disabling audioscrobbler to see if it is related?
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.163
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2006, 12:40:42 pm »

head into library browser land and then type into the search field.

The results can be seen in the status bar, but no thumbnails are shown. Clicking a letter on the alphabet bar brings them out of hiding, but if there's no alphabet bar offered up, tough. Files show in the list, but no thumbs, not even a refresh brings them out of hiding.

I'm having the same issue.
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