A question for those who use advanced expressions in their 'Rename' parameters...
I'm just about to test a renaming scheme to unify my ever-changing requirements. Luckily, I have all my audio on one drive and everything else on another, so I'll only need 2 schemes, but I was wondering how people deal with renaming their .apl and associated .ape files. I have a keyword 'fulll album file' for those apes and downloaded live dj sets, so I can identify them uniquely in the scheme.
The problem is, I assume all those .apl albums are going to show up as 'incomplete' or with the wrong track no.s...
Do you have a separate process for .apls?
You can rename individual APL files as you like without problems, but you cannot change the name of the referenced APE file. Normally, the disc image APE file must be in the same folder with the APL files (though, it is technically possible to use APL files that contain a filename path, but that would make them tied with a specific APE file location).
You should give the APE file a proper name and fix the cue sheet before making the APL files (e.g. "Artist - Album.ape" instead of "CDimage.ape").
In case you would like to change the name of the referenced APE file, you can safely replace the APL files on the disk with new identically named untagged APL files that point to differently named disc image file. Just use the "Update Tags (from library)" command for writing the tag information.
I just realised I have another problem; tagging files with 'full album file' after they already have a keyword in them means that retrieving that keyword is impossible, right? Because there's no consistent order after adding various keywords at different times. If others have similar problems, do you just solve it with dedicated Custom Fields?
I am not sure what you mean by this.
In general, you could make a custom field that can indicate a disc image file. E.g. you could use the integer field type and allow only the value 1. The files that have this "flag" could be excluded in view scheme options and smartlists when appropriate.