Auto-import is working really quite nicely. Perhaps a little too discreetly though?
I ran the first IPTC import build, filled with anticipation, but first, some music...
Then the images...
no places... just a comma!
Otto was so efficient, that while picking some music, it had been beavering away in the background importing available IPTC info.
It got me thinking...
I think we're all agreed that when Otto's finished a task, we should not be unceremoniously whisked off to a 'recently imported' view, but still, I feel that we should be discreetly notified of Otto's activity.
I'm not a great fan of things that flash to get our attention, but perhaps something like a blinking, or solid, icon appearing in a corner of the player display bar, that when clicked, shows us a history of just what exactly Otto's been up to. (bearing in mind that it does more than just import stuff when 'update tags for external changes' is checked.
If I had not been in focused, testing mode, and had the changes made not been quite as dramatic as replacing all my [places] data with a comma, it could have been weeks before I stumbled across Otto's dastardly work. See where I'm coming from here?
Another thing too...
If "update tags when file info changes" is checked, and certain tags are set to be stored inside the file, and Otto changes the tag, should the tag not be written to the file also?
If my understanding is correct, that's a bug, because atm, that doesn't happen.