Yes but neither pandora or Last.Fm is perfect.
When they work together Pandora submits to Last.Fm. You can then find a new artist with Pandora and find users on that are big fans of that artist. Then you see what other artists they like. And even send them a msg. and make them recomend what records to buy etc.
I like it because I can find good stuff that I have never heard before this way. Mostly old stuff that "nobody" knows about any more. And "meet" musicnerds like myself

Last.Fm is as obscure as you want it to be, like Pandora.
I can see why for some reasons they have not integrated with these programs i.e. sands shifting etc.. but a program tightly integrated with MC that only MC could do, would be the best.
JRiver doesn't have the resources or userbase to make such a ting. They should continue to do what they do best, make the best Media player/center even better

If they embraced some of the more popular webservices like flickr, imdb, Last.Fm etc. It would only make the experience more exiting and probably bring in some attention and new users. "Shifting sands" is not a problem, Imdb have been here for 10 years flickr 3 and Last.Fm over 2 years. And API's are free to use.
The only program JRiver needs to make right now is MC12