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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.46  (Read 2962 times)


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Media Center 12.0.46
« on: August 01, 2006, 05:02:54 pm »


12.0.46 (8/1/06)

1. Fixed: DirectShow video player could not handle Windows Media security upgrade when playing licensed WM video.
2. Optimized: Starting playback of a large slideshow of images is many times faster.
3. Optimized: Drag-n-drop of large numbers of files into a playlist is many times faster.
4. Optimized: Doing actions that caused a refresh while large numbers of files were selected is now many times faster.
5. Optimized: Deleting large numbers of files from a playlist can be several times faster.
6. Optimized: When many files were selected in a list, switching focus to and from the list is now faster.
7. Optimized: "Automatic" list style is faster at choosing details vs thumbnnails for large lists.
8. Optimized: Playing large lists of images while audio is playing uses far less memory and starts much faster.
9. Optimized: Improved the performance of switching views.
10. Fixed: 2D visualization selection wasn't working for languages other that english.
11. Changed: CDLabeler is now skinned and translated.

12.0.45 (7/31/06)

1. Changed: "Documents" tree item is no longer shown in the same row as audio, images, video.
2. Changed: Tag window better handles files with empty name or date fields.
3. Changed: Action Window header text stays centered even with an uneven number of buttons on each side.
4. Changed: When copying from a thumbnail list to the clipboard, the text component is empty. (instead of showing column headers with no data)
5. Optimized: Improved performance when dropping or pasting large numbers of files into a list.
6. Optimized: Improved speed when dealing with large playlists.
7. Fixed: Long lists of thumbnails would be slower than expected during scrolling.
8. Changed: When scrolling in a list with thumbnails that aren't built, thumbnails will get built top-down instead of bottom-up.
9. Changed: Minor UI tweaks in DirectShow player (contex menu rearrangement, dialog control resizing etc.).
10. Fixed: Library backup / restore dialogs would lock the database while visible -- causing a possible hang of the application.
11. Fixed: In the Tag Action Window, clicking a rating while another field was being edited could cause a crash.
12. Changed: If only one file that couldn't play in Playing Now, Media Center would loop playback until there were 3 consecutive playback errors.
13. Fixed: Videos that failed to load weren't being properly handled.
14. Fixed: Stoppping a video (or playing a new video) right when a video was loading could cause a dead-lock.
15. Changed: MP3 decoder was using debug code -- causing slowdowns compared to MC 11. (in Audio Analysis, etc.)
16. Fixed: Creating a Virtual Device that pointed to the same location as files imported into Media Center could cause import to import duplicates.
17. Changed: New tree control used in MC 12 wouldn't scroll / auto-expand during drag-n-drop.

12.0.44 (7/28/06)

1. Changed: Video Priority filter is no longer used.
2. Fixed: MPC encoder was not installing properly.
3. Fixed: Any thumbnail list with more than one file that used the same thumbnail could cause a crash.

12.0.43 (7/27/06)

1. NEW: MPC encoder included with build.
2. Fixed: Associating with protocols (like pcast://) would not always work / stick properly.
3. Fixed: When an auto-complete tree tooltip was showing, a double-click wouldn't properly start playback.
4. Fixed: Video thumbnailing could stall out on some files.
5. Fixed: Possible video thumbnailing crash.

12.0.42 (7/26/06)

1. Fixed: Playing a WMV video would cause MC to unnecessarily flag the file for a tag write.
2. Fixed: Accessing the automation SDK from an external program was not working properly when the player was not running first.
3. Fixed: Sometimes album analysis could be too ambitious, causing slowdowns during import.
4. Optimized: Improved the speed of the album analyzer. (calculated album gain, mix albums, etc.)
5. Fixed: OSD did not work for TV playback.
6. Fixed: OSD without a time limit did not work.
7. Optimized: Improved thumbnail building speed.
8. Changed: "Set Display" menu only appears for playback types where there are more than one choice.
9. Changed: Added a Tools menu (top-left icon) to "Display" Action Window.
10. Changed: Theater View does an "Open" on an item when pressing 'Enter' and play when pressing 'Space'. (right-click or use menu keyboard button to see menu)
11. Changed: Mouse wheel in Theater View always operates the list of items. (instead of using the focused section)
12. Changed: Shortcuts for forward and back weren't working in Theater View. (mouse buttons / backspace, etc.)

12.0.41 (7/24/06)

1. NEW: Thumbnail list drawing is fully thread parallelized resulting in nearly a 2x speedup on dual-core machines. (and 10-15% speedup with Hyper-threading machines)
2. Fixed: License restore could fail in some cases.
3. Changed: When a trial expires, the countdown "Continue" button is no longer shown.
4. Changed: Links that show up on thumbnails no longer clickable until they fully fade-in. (to avoid accidental clicks on selection)
5. Changed: Reworked QuickTime initialization and cleanup code.
6. New: MC can get thumbnails for certain QuickTime formatted video podcasts.
7. Changed: Thumbnail lists show tooltips. (unless they're thumbnails of groupings)
8. Changed: Tooltips do a better job of sizing to wide-screen style images.
9. Fixed: Installer would show duplicates in the file association list.
10. Fixed: Skin Manager's task bar icon wouldn't look as good as expected.
11. Fixed: In the Tag Action Window, switching pages while editing a list-type field could leave an edit control visible.

12.0.40 (7/21/06)

1. Changed: German language translation updated.
2. Changed: Digital TV signal strength is represented as a percentage for known HDTV devices, instead of absolute numbers. For unknown devices it is still represented as an absolute number.
3. Changed: Recent Playing Nows are no longer shown in handheld sync playlist list.
4. Changed: Handheld sync playlist list isn't all expanded by default.
5. Changed: Library Manager could not be shown while some background tools were working.
6. Optimized: Improved performance of thumbnail lists.

12.0.39 (7/20/06)

1. Fixed: Switching a thumbnail list to details could result in an empty list being shown.
2. Fixed: Media Center would fail to load a blank library.
3. Fixed: Browsing input plugins with Plugin Manager did not work properly.
4. Fixed: Switching between sharing plugins could cause a crash.
5. Fixed: Video thumbnail building would not build a thumbnail if a previous thumbnail had been built on basis of an image file on disk, and the local image file no longer existed.
6. NEW: Skinning engine supports custom hit boxes for certain skin items. (implement by adding a 5th image to a skin item that defines the hit area)
7. Fixed: It was possible to highlight multiple control buttons at once with the Noire skin.
8. Changed: Removed manual vs sync mode selection -- instead just pick playlists if you want syncing.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 05:53:51 pm »

Why isn't my translation update in it? , I have sent matt a email.

please insert this translation update in the next build
Official Microsoft © product tester.
Download the latest language file here:!AnQ3L_bTnnzv7sl5BeJV9n4sMn3pFg?e=VlaNNc The file is continuously updated.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 06:14:00 pm »

Update file information from file name (s), does not function with other languages except English.

If the word “TRACK #” is translated, nothing happens with the function.
Official Microsoft © product tester.
Download the latest language file here:!AnQ3L_bTnnzv7sl5BeJV9n4sMn3pFg?e=VlaNNc The file is continuously updated.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 06:50:38 pm »

Hi bytestar,

Thanks for all your continued work on the German translation.

Sometimes it'll take us a build or two to get an updated file in, depending on how many other balls are up in the air as we try to get a build ready.

Thanks again.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 07:18:56 pm »

Thanks for clarification, but can you confirm the "Update file information from file name" Bug ?
Official Microsoft © product tester.
Download the latest language file here:!AnQ3L_bTnnzv7sl5BeJV9n4sMn3pFg?e=VlaNNc The file is continuously updated.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2006, 09:17:06 pm »

Not sure if this is a bug or a permanent change, but when highlighting multiple tiles and then attempting to play all of them or clicking on the view menu, this causes the other tiles to be unhighlighted :o

Even if I hold down ctrl the whole time, it still does not work.
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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 11:14:57 am »

MC Froze On Fixing Broken Links For 6 Hours
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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2006, 12:37:04 pm »

Action Window > Camera > Aquire
.avi files are not being aquired from the camera. (Discuss?)

extended desktop
The TV is the secondary display device, and in the display setup, it's configured to the right of the monitor. MC's tooltips do not detect the right edge of the monitors' display area and instead, display out of view in the extended desktop area.

The context menus know where the edge is, and display to the left if there's not enough room to the right. Hopefully tooltips can be given the same 'awareness'.

Command line stuff
mc12.exe "/playreplace TREEPATH=Playlists\viewscheme groups\Logitech\preset1"

The string above works fine if MC is running. If MC is closed, the string launches MC, but does nothing else.
v11.1 would launch and begin playback.

search bar ~ I still can't nail this. I see this a good 50% of the time when entering search text.
When typing a search, MC updates the filelist while I type, problem is, when it updates the list, it also selects all in the search bar, so, the next keypress wipes out all that's gone before it.
Still seeing this. It happens in smartlist search bars too.
I'm sure it's connected with the tag window. When it happens, if I close the tag window, it stops happening.

3D visualisations ~ curious to know if anyone else sees this?
3D vizualisations are only running @ 2 fps, and make MC slow to respond. This is running MC maximised on a 1680 x 1050 screen. If I hide the tree and the file list it drops to zero fps and the pc becomes unuseable.

Setting the application window to 800 x 600, hiding the tree and the filelist, framerate is still only 4 fps. This makes 3D pong unplayable :p

(Nvidia GForce FX 5900XT running on the latest 91.31 forceware drivers)

display view/taskbar issue
Note: My taskbar is along the bottom of the screen, double height..

Display view opens behind the taskbar. It requires a click on the taskbar, then a click on the disply, to bring the display to the front of the taskbar.
I thought this was fixed, but it's not. Try it with some music playing too.

Display View: (
When in diaplay view, images are presented fullscreen with the 'display frame' laid over the top of the image. The display bar across the top can often obscure essential details in the image.

When using two split views, activate the second view and launch display view (by double clicking an image?). When returning to standard view, focus has switched to the other view in the split.

Action Window: 'Tag'
Why are some tags hidden from us in the specific tags list? Am I right in thinking that currently, we cannot display calculated fields in the tag window?
how do we ascertain the properties of an [image file]? I see that the field is available as a pane, but not as a column. There's no tooltip or right click menu from the image in the tag window.

Tags applied in panes+tagging mode show up in the tag window immediately. Tags applied in the tag window are not evident in the file list (thumbnail text) or panes, until a refresh is performed.

Tree Stuff:
Any root view scheme alphabetically lower than 'audio' can still displace the 'tabs' from their top-level resting place. <--- You fixed this? looks much better now
not fixed. placement now differs depending upon which icon is chosen for the viewscheme. "scheme" achieves the desired result. choosing any other wrecks the tree.

These are still a problem, especially the Playing Now thing..
Playing Now is also still wandering around within the tree window as things are expanded/collapsed

Finding it hard to train myself that the expansion arrows for top level tree nodes are on the right. As you widen the tree, the expanders move further and further
away from their relative text items, then, after expanding, subsequent expanders are to the left of their text items. Maybe I'll get used to it, but atm, it doesn't
make drilling around in the tree a very smooth experience.

I'm still not getting on well with the tree in its current form.

'navigation' seems a tad redundant in its current form. The only thing there that would be out of place on the root of 'View' would be 'find media' which
could probably find a home on the tools menu.
Are there any plans to introduce some form of bookmarking in future builds? It's such a convenient way of getting where you want to be, quickly. Think "My Computer"
locations, or certain smartlists that may be two or three groups deep in the tree? Think jumping about in dual view mode?
still lost without bookmarks. Navigation is sooo slow and tedious.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.46
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2006, 12:38:05 pm »

Under Investigation

split views
Using split views, activating the secondary view and then exiting MC, MC would freeze, requiring 'end tasked'
rebooted machine, now can't replicate. Never seen this before. It showed up after testing the "active split > display view > non-active split" bug mentioned earlier

I think this is Otto falling over on thumbnailing. If I don't see it again, it'll be removed from the list next time out.

search bar
flaky behaviour ranging from unpredictable 'whole string' selection to empty search results that should not be empty.

tag window
clicking a 'standard edit' field to copy the tag contents to the clipboard, then with the field still in edit mode, selecting another file in the file list would more often than not cause a crash of the "media center has encountered a problem and needs to close" variety. Not 100% reproducable.

  • Bookmarks. You cannot ship MC12 without bookmarks. Trust me. It would be commercial suicide! ;) (Discuss?)
  • An "Apply" button for the 'Edit/Add View Scheme' dialogue. (Discuss?)
  • .tif file tag reading at a minimum, writing would be nice too if possible (Discuss?)
  • the ability to set a library field to be used as a caption for images and/or thumbnails when using the 'send to > web/ftp > create html' tool
  • Expressions in the 'base path' field of the rename from props tool. (Discuss?)
  • I would like to be able to use a date expression in the aquire images general "path" option, and for the scanner, I'd like to be able to setup some incremental file naming rule
  • Logitech mouse support (Discuss?)
  • when playing both audio and images, the dislay's context menu has "send to... (currently playing track)" would love to see "send to... (currently displayed image)" on there too.

  • tools > options > library > library fields:
    After adding a library field, does it have to close the library fields and send us back to the default library options page like it does? this fine if we're only adding a single field, but is a pain if we want to add more, or perhaps edit another.
  • When tagging images with music playing, using a 12 pane viewscheme, the panes keep re-adjusting themselves widthwise, often on track change. I've lost count of the times I've lined up a click to tag, only to have the pane move away from under the mouse, like some kind of JL Software practical joke software!!
  • When using a panes view to tag images, are the fade-in play | tag options and the rotating statistics really necessary? They are so very annoying in this scenario. (Discuss?)
  • After viewing full-screen on second monitor (TV), I find it takes a fair bit of clicking around to get standard view back onto the primary monitor. ctrl + 1 does not do the job.
  • list-type and standard type panes behave very differently when in tagging mode. this is at best, counter-intuitive, and at worst, plain confusing. (Discuss?)
  • ======================

    -marko. :)

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time
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