image tagging, primarily using panes+tagging mode has become extremely slow with build 47.
if I tag a single person, MC is taking 3 seconds from click to tick
if I tag 5 people, MC is taking almost 10 seconds from the final click, to tick
standard type fields are also 3 seconds from click to tick
Having the tag window open or closed appears to make no difference. (the above timings were with it closed)
The first pane in this 11 pane view scheme is an expression based calculated field based around filenames:
if(isequal([filename (name)],kod,8),Kodak,if(isequal([filename (name)],img,8),Canon,if(isequal([filename (name)],scn,8),Scanner,if(isequal([filename (name)],tra,8),Tracy,if(isequal([filename (name)],mum,8),Mum,if(isequal([filename (name)],jas,8),Jason,Various))))))
It looks like so: (I added the [camera] field for testing and comparison)
If I do not filter by source, there is slowdown, but it's barely noticeable. However, filtering by source is what's causing the dramatic slowdown mentioned above. Neither changing to an expression based pane, nor turning of bi-directional filtering made any difference. the slowdown remained.