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Author Topic: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?  (Read 2799 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« on: May 06, 2006, 10:19:52 am »

With all the great new lyrics plugins we've been seeing lately, I'm curious what other people's songs to lyrics ratios are. I've been collecting lyrics for my music collection since about 2000, and here's how it looks today:

14087 total songs (excluding comedy/spoken genres)
10028 with lyrics (including 310 instrumental tracks)
4059 without lyrics

About ¼ of those without lyrics are my husband's country music, which I will probably never search out lyrics for.


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2006, 07:59:59 am »

Strangely enough, I have 3734 files (I'm starting all over) and only 2 of them have lyrics. And those two only have lyrics because of me testing the Lyrics Editor Plugin. :P

But like I said, I'm starting over. I only just finished re-ripping my CDs a little while ago, and I'm still sifting through the remains of my old MP3 collection to figure out what's salvagable. So lyrics haven't been a huge priority yet. :P


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 08:24:19 am »

I used Sparta's great plugin and got around 80% hits.  The true figure is closer to 95% when I account for Classical music that I tagged haphazardly, and "collection" albums that threw off the default search function.  Also, it mostly refused to fetch lyrics for covers of other artists' material.

Step 2 is going through the lyrics, at least for the 5 stars, and cleaning them up.  I'm not particularly interested in guitar chord notations or the occassional user-supplied commentaries you can find on a lot of web-searched lyrics.  But I would never have gotten nearly this far without Spartolomy's help.  So thanks again, King!  You are the King!


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 07:51:08 am »

Hi Mesue  :)
I couldn't find another way to contact you so I hope you read this and reply here.
It concerns your brilliant track info plugin 'All You Need'. My problem, is for no apparent reason the Search feature which I use frequently to search for lyrics, artist and album info has stopped working and when I try to use it. MC freezes and has to be restarted. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail.
Do you have any ideas how I might get it to work again?
Kind Regards
snapperocks  :(


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 11:12:28 am »


I just spot checked several of the links and they all still work for me with MC 11.1.189. Have you updated MC recently? Is it happening with all of the links or just certain ones? If it is happening with all the links I'd suspect something wrong with your browser, since the links launch an IE window. What version of IE do you have?


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 07:54:14 am »

All the links are effected. I am using Explorer 6 with SP2 and the latest version of MC 11. This problem first happened 2 or 3 months ago.


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 11:42:52 am »

I updated to 11.1.191 and everything still works for me. Not sure what to tell you.  Maybe re-download and overwrite the Track Info files? Scan for spyware?


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 07:29:46 pm »

Hi Mesue
I am pleased to report that after reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling windows I can now use your review look up feature on the ALL You Need track info plugin.

However I am hoping you can explain to me how to Add AMG and Barnes & Noble to the links, the two I use the most.
kind regards


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2006, 10:14:23 pm »

Sorry you had to go through all that but glad to hear it is working for you now. Media Center can query AMG already through the Artist Info button, so I see no reason to add that one. Not all sites will work depending on how the site is set up. If the search phrase becomes a part of the URL, then you should be able to do it.

I don't know how much HTML editing you have done, but if you know a little HTML you should be able to look at the code in the index.html file and see how the links are set up.

Then you want to go to the site you want to make a link for, and use their advanced search function to search for some dummy text, then grab the URL for the search results, and replace the dummy text with the keywords you need to use in the trackinfo page.

To use Barnes & Noble as an example, if I search for artist U2 and album boy, I get the following URL:

To use it in a trackinfo page I need to replace "U2" and "boy" with the proper keywords that will pull the currently playing song info into the page, so the URL becomes:

And then you just make a hyperlink with that URL string.

Sometimes spaces will cause a problem… you just have to experiment. Sometimes putting quotes around it will help, but you can't type the quotes in the HTML directly... you have to use the code %22 which will convert to a quote character.

So for the same Barnes and noble URL, if you want to put quotes around the artist and album name in your query, the URL becomes:

Just start on the site and experiment with quotes/no quotes to see which gives you better results, then replace the actual artist/album/song name info with the proper keywords for track info.

I hope that makes sense. I believe there is also some trackinfo documentation on the j. River site.


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Re: What's your Songs to Lyrics Ratio?
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2006, 05:26:23 am »

Hi Sue
Sorry I don't know how to put the Barnes and Noble info into your track info. I don't know enough about HTML.
Thanks for your help. I appreciate it
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