Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

Please help us identify iPods

<< < (38/40) > >>

IPOD Nano Pink 6th Gen, 16GB
Model: MC698LL
Last three of SN: DW8

4th Gen. iPod Shuffle 2GB
Model: A1373
Last 3: K67

edit: in the MC error window popup these numbers were listed:
        iPod Type: 'my serial #', ", 1452, 4867

iPod Shuffle, 2GB, 4G (Silver)
Model: A1373
SN: 14T

MC 25

nano 7th gen  16 gig version 1.0.4
model # MD480LL
Serial #  DM2PPO3LF0GT

Unable to identify please check for update...
MC 25 is up to date

MY Nano is also up to date.

What can I do to get MC25 to recognize my Nano.   I hate I-Tunes!

ipod nano 16gb model MD481LL
serial last 3 digits 0GV


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