So if vmware or 2 pc's are out of the quetion, then the only other option is rebooting into the other OS. The default XP boot menu should suffice. At least, it does for me. I boot between vista x64 and a regular XP.
I would kind of agree. My whole point is to get ridd of any keyboard. The only thing I want is the remote control.
If I'm gonna get it to work my way I have to make a kind of HD switch that works remotely. That will not be an easy task.
Think I have to stick with a script that edits the boot loader and restarts to the oposit OS. That way I can easily switch between the OS without using a keyboard or lifting my ass from the comfortable chair. The os have a really fast boot time anyway. So it will not be that much trouble to start in the wrong one.
The only thing I think that could work would be GRUB. Have you tried the device in Linux at all? I know there's a way to use GRUB with Windows installs (even, I think, if you don't have Linux installed at all on the machine, though that makes it more difficult).
That might be. I have never looked into it.
Would need a keyboard og keypad anyway I guess.
BTW. I CAN make a dual boot startup menu with the OS's on different disks right? Don't want the fuckers on the same disk. So easy to mess it all up.