Does anyone have a good solution to accessing your media from a portable laptop? My laptop only has a 60GB drive so I can't store all my music in FLAC or even MP3 because it would take way too much of the small drive. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could access MC over the internet? I would really like it if I could open MC and connect to MC at home and then stream MP3's. Better yet, MC would send small thumbnails so it didn't have to download the entire jpg and create a thumbnail itself--taking more processing power (battery) and internet speed which I don't have. My upload on my DSL is 1Mb so that should handle good quality MP3's.
addition: It would be really neat if you could add a feature where you'd port forward a port to your MC server computer and then from MC, you'd have to manually enter the IP or domain of your home internet connection and then require a strong password to connect, obviously with read only abilities--but allow the user to specify if remote users can rate songs, etc.. or if play counts increase--basically give some options that are allowed to an authenticated user--nothing allowed to non authenticated.