My understanding of how MC12 works (please correct me if I am wrong) is that there is one thumbnail folder that is used for all libraries. This means that if you switch libraries the thumbnails get deleted and must be rebuilt, which can be a real pain for large libraries. (I used and enjoyed multiple libraries in the past but have stopped because of this issue and the fact that my library has grown in size).
Furthermore, the location of the thumbnail file is unique per user account and is specified in the registry. This means that to share a thumbnail file between user accounts you have to edit the registry for each user account.
I think there should be a thumbnail folder for each library and it should be located below the library root. This would solve both of the above issues.
In general, all data associated with a library should be located with the library under its root. This would greatly simplify backing up and synchronizing MC data between computers.
For example, in a previous thread I proposed:
ScreenGrabs are currently stored in C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\Data\ScreenGrabs.
For those of us that capture thumbnails for videos, this data is valuable given the time it takes to create.
ScreenGrabs should default to a folder under the root database directory because:
1) For those of us that backup and/or synchronize our databases across multiple computers, the ScreenGrab data will move with the database when the database root is selected. I just realized that ScreenGrab data is not backed up on my computer because I never thought valuable data would be stored in Program Files.
2) Eliminates dependency on MC version. I am thinking ahead to the day when MC12 comes out of beta and I blow off the MC11 Program Files directory. How will I preserve my ScrenGrab data? You need to provide a mechanism for moving the ScreenGrab data while preserving the "Image Field" links when upgrading from 11 to 12.
Hope you will consider these changes.