You shouldn't need to do that just to play a single vizualisation. It's odd. Try using explorer and browsing to the \Visualizations\Vis Studio folder and have a look.
Each folder you see there represents the "cycle" options you see in MC. There should be several .mjv files directly inside each of those folders.
Give AlexB's suggestion a try while you're in there and then see if you can select a single viz'n from that custom group. If not, I'm stumped.
Stabs in the dark would be along the lines of:
"Have you tried re-installing MC?"
"are you logged on to windows with admin rights?"
"have you changed any of the access permissions to your MC folders?"
While we're on the subject...
way, way back, mj8 days IIRC, there was a registry entry that could be tweaked to change the time between 'cycles'. it's not there for latest MC releases, and I've been wondering for a while now if this time is hard coded, or does anyone know of a way to extend it?
im,vh,o I feel the time between cycles is a tad too short atm.