Most honorable Jim and Steve, I have a couple small suggestions:
Playlist and smartlist enhancements:
My #1 most wanted feature: Please add batch-exporting of all MJ playlists to a directory on my hard drive. I use MJ-created .m3u's to synch my Apple iPod... and it's agonizingly labor-intensive to manually export each one before a sync. Clicking a button and having all my playlists "dump" into a directory on my hdd would be so freakishly cool, I dunno how I'd react if it were to happen. (Of course, an iPod plugin would be sweeter, but you know how I feel about that. I'm being a good boy and waiting patiently
) I thought for a second that I could make an interface plugin for this, but I have failed miserably (I'm not a programmer).
My #2 most wanted feature: Please add sorting rules for smartlists. At present, all my smartlists auto-sort by song title. I would like to create per-smartlist rules to sort some by album, some by track, some by genre, etc. Multi-tier sorting would be nice too, so that I can sort my "all nine inch nails" smartlist by year, then album, then track. Sweet.
#3 -- Within the "Export Playlist" dialogue, would it be possible to have MJ remember my settings? Rather than clicking the .m3u radio button
every time I export a playlist, I could set my preferences in advance. For instance, MJ's encoder settings are very nice -- I told MJ once that I want 160kb MP3 files, saved in directory X with filename setup Y, and it hasn't asked me again since. It would be sweet if exporting playlists had the same level of user-friendliness.
#4 -- Please add "Export Playlist" to right-click context menu. Mainly for the sake of convenience, rather than clicking a playlist, clicking file, dragging to Export. Heck, it'd be even sweeter if the "Export Playlist" right-click option existed when right-clicking an Album or Artist or Genre in the left pane!