If I restore a library, do I have to recreate all the thumbnails? Or, will MC12 reuse whatever thumbnails were previously created?
To answer my own question, I experimented. And, I did find out that MC12 has to recreate all the thumbnails after a "Restore Library" operation. I don't know why it does that!! Shouldn't it be able to use thumbnails previously generated?
This is my setup: I have a NAS server (say Main-Computer) hosting all the media files. I also have a HTPC connected to my audio system. I run MC12 on both of them. Now, due to various reasons; the best option that I have found to managing libraries on both these machines is the following:
- Both computers mount the NAS on H:, the same drive letter.
- On Main-Computer, MC12 is used for editing, importing and otherwise managing the library. I make a backup of the library every time I make a bunch of changes.
- On HTPC, I restore from the backed-up library in the previous step to get the latest changes in tags, imports etc.
- Every time, I restore library on HTPC, I have to rebuild thumbnails for *everything* in the library. Even if all what I did was add a few files to the library, i have to recreate the thumbnails for everything that has never changed. It takes over 3 hours to do this operation on HTPC!
Is there any way that when I restore library, MC12 can use the previously generated thumbnails?
P.S. If you have suggestion for better managing libraries on two computers, that would be appreciated. Please note that I have already tried the following options:
- Library Server. Doesn't work for extracted DVDs either as .iso file or as directories.
- Shared Library: I have put the library folder on the shared NAS drive on the Main-Server to try this option. But, since HTPC uses a 802.11g wireless connection - this option doesn't work too well for me. Everything is so slow on HTPC.
- Separate "non-restored" library on HTPC: I tried to maintain a separate library on HTPC. No back-ups from the Main-Server PC library. The problem with these is I have many tag mismatches between the library. I also have to import everything twice. It became a nightmare to manually sync the two libraries to make sure they have the same tags/files.
Are there any automated scripts to ease such usage?