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Author Topic: Once again: Theater View Navigation  (Read 1046 times)


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Once again: Theater View Navigation
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:26:53 am »

Sorry, but after a view weeks playing around with this I have to come back on this:

I still believe the current logic of having to press the right mouse button (or recpectivley assign this to some odd button on the remote) is totally illogical as I am convinced that all major Theater View Navigation should be done with the five-button center wheel of the remote (right, left, up, down, ok). This means, if I have drilled down to a certain level and press the ok button, I should get the context menu, asking me what to do next (ie play album/title/artist, add to playlist, whatever it may be). It's just completely odd and without any logic moving away from the center wheel to some artificially assigned right mouse button somehwere else on the remote.  Yes it can be done - but thats not the point, its just not logical.

Maybe there is a simple solution around this as follows:

There is already an option for Theater View whether one wants to use the left/right keys for navigation (which I clearly do).  Maybe this could be extended such way to ask the user whether he wants to use central wheel for navigation, and then also include in this option that the "ok" button opens the context menu unless one is situated at the lowest level of drilldown, when "ok" just just start playing the selected item(s).

This would *much* improve the inherent logic of the system and give those of us who want to press the right mouse button to get to the context menu the opportunity to do so.

Many thanks for considering this.  :D



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Once again: Theater View Navigation
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 11:03:02 am »

Yes, and make the Back button function as a true Back button!
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