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Author Topic: (SOLVED) FLAC in MC12 - where have my tags gone?  (Read 1836 times)


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(SOLVED) FLAC in MC12 - where have my tags gone?
« on: March 14, 2007, 01:13:32 pm »

Hi there,

Have just built a new HTPC  ;D , clean install WinXP, SP2 etc, etc, installed everything as per usual but have run into trouble with FLACs in MC12 (I'm using version 12.0.185).
I installed the MC12 flac plugins as usual, and they registered and I can play flacs. The trouble is that no tags are showing up.  :o
The flacs were encoded and tagged in foobar on my laptop. They were also imported into MC12 (beta version 12.0.110) on my laptop and the tags were recognised there. I had also analysed them in MC12 on my laptop.
Now, on my HTPC, Foobar still recognises the tags (and under properties shows that the audio analysis made by the MC12 beta on my laptop has also been added to the tag fields).

But MC12 on the HTPC shows all the tag fields in the files are empty. Apes & MP3s are OK though.

Attached is (hopefully) a screenshot -- showing the flac files in MC with no tags and the same flac files in foobar with tags.

Cannot seem to work this one out :-[ , sorry, so thanks for any help.



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Re: FLAC in MC12 - where have my tags gone??
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 08:51:15 pm »

Can you check tag info inside MC by means of - "Action Window/Tag/Format"?

If info shows up there, try "Tools/Library Tools/Update Library (From Tags)" on a couple of files.

I tried a few with Foobar 2000 ver. . and they imported fine.
I'm also using MC ver. 12.0.185



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Re: FLAC in MC12 - where have my tags gone??
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 12:17:57 pm »

Hello Wildcat,

It worked! Thanks a million  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*
As soon as I clicked under 'Format' in the tags list in the action window, all the tags were there but identified as Vorbis tags. Followed your instructions and hey presto, everything tagged properly. Could never have worked that one out, so thx again.
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