Trying to do a simple smartlist now that skip count works in a better way, I can't figure it out.
Did the way [skip count] works change recently? If it did, I missed it. Could you provide a link or quote for us?
I've not done any work with [skip count] at all because MC considered a track to be 'skipped' if the stop button was pressed with less than 50% played.
To answer your question:
You can do this with expressions:
[=isequal([skip count],[number plays],6)]=1 can be used in a search list pane, the search bar, or in a smartlist search rule, and returns all tracks where the [skip count] is greater than, or equal to [number plays]. Note that this also returns all those tracks that have never been played, so you might want to consider adding a
-[number plays]=[] rule in there too.
You could also use it in the form of:
if(isequal([skip count],[number plays],6),skipped more than played,played more than skipped) in an expression based pane.