Interestingly... On the files where G-Force doesn't work (the ones that give "DirectX" as one of the
Right Click --> Set Display options), Soft Skies by soundspectrum
does work. G-Force and none of the other MC visualizations work though, except for Cover Art and Track Info. I suspect this part of it is being blocked manually somewhere in MC's code, because it thinks the file might have a display....
Is there any way we could always get access to the visualizations? I mean, it's not real likely that you'd want to show the visualizer when playing a video, but there are cases where it
could be useful (music videos)... And if it's actually hidden on purpose, and is causing other DirectShow file types to hide access unnecessarily (for example M4A files don't let me use G-Force/visualizers if I check the DirectShow formats box in Options)...
Well then, that's just silly.

Might as well let us use them for everything... Even AVIs, you know?