I do believe you. All I can say is that it hasn't worked that way since at least build 130
Isn't MC supposed to parse all criteria, and apply them one after another?
That's the general theory, yes. It's kind of what's happening in the string above...
What I did to reach your goal was take this part (which gives you all of your desired files) ...
[Media Type]=[Audio] [Genre]=[Computer] [Rating]=>3 [_style_track]=[comp_mod] [_dupe]=<=1 -[Date (year)]=[]Then apply the ~limit modifier. The preceding rules stated that all files must have the [computer] genre, so we already know that all of the genres returned are the same. The ~limit modifier returns a random set of files, so if for example we'd asked for 10 files that matched the [genre], it would pick 10 at random. By using ~limit=-1,-1,[genre] we're telling MC to return all files of all genres, ie, not
actually limiting anything at all, but, as the default behaviour of the ~limit modifier is to shuffle the results, that's where we get the random element from. So long as there are no sorting rules in the customise current view dialogue, the only sort rule being applied is the [date (year)] specified in the search string...
~limit=-1,-1,[genre] ~sort=[date (year)]So, the list is sorted by Year and nothing else meaning that the random element is retained. All files from 2006 are still grouped together, while the ~limit modifier takes care of shuffling their order.
Clear as mud, I know, I try, but clear explanations are not a forte of mine.
With regards to whether or not there's a bug in the system, I'm not sure. If you feel strongly that there is a bug, post it in the bug thread, and feedback will come sooner or later. Try not to get overly frustrated mind you, I have a list of stuff here that I consider to be bugs, or highly illogical behaviour, that have been deemed "by design and not in line for review any time soon".