I did some more work on it last week.
It's at the point where it's more or less working.
It scales the cover art, and saves them back to Media Center.
I want to do a bit more testing before destroying anyones libraries however,
and some tidying up.
The first build probably will suffer a few performance issues,
although will still be far quicker than performing rescaling by hand.
I'll resolve these later, one thing I do need thought from people thoough.
Originally the plugin was for resizing photographic images.
This purpose still remains.
Cover Art works slightly different,
in that at least in my library each Album only has one cover art.
Currently the first build will group by Album, so that when
a cover art is retrieved for an album it doesn't resize it for each individual
track, just once and then saves it back to the album.
Is this likely to cause you issues?
Eventually I'll add options which give greater flexability.
I'm working on this only in the odd hour here and there that I get free,
and we've had a bank holiday weekend with some beutiful weather this week,
so I've been out walking.
Other than that I've also been continually posted around with work,
which have been promising me a laptop for 6 months now, but
as yet no sign of it.
I'll get back to it sooner or later though!
It is the top priority of my spare time projects at the moment!