Hi all, just wondering if this is possible (I suspect not, but I'll ask anyway).
I have two main custom fields...
- MyMediaType (Music, Classical, Movie, Tv Series,...)
^ ^ ^ ^
- MyMediaSubType ((Rock, Pop,...), (Symphonic, Chamber, ...), (Action, Comedy,...), (SciFi, Drama, ...))
I have a view scheme...
- MyMediaType/MyMediaSubtype
OK, So far so good. Now what I want to do, without creating a new sub-view scheme if possible (..high apple pie in the skyy-yyy hopes...) is, when I click on TV Series, have the view scheme adjust to allow Series/Season columns to display (basically a sub-scheme).
Obviously, I dont want to adjust the parent View Scheme to add these fields, as that would make no sense for any of the other [MyMediaType]s. Also, I would prefer not to have to create a new sub-scheme for each [MyMediaType] (which is obviously how I
could do it).
The aim is that if I add a new [MyMediaType] (say... "Audio Lecture") I would automatically see it in the MyMediaType/MyMediaSubtype view scheme (as I can now), but then I could just tweak the automatically generated result to show a subcategory.
For example.
If I added a new group of files that I classified as "Audio Lecture" [MyMediaType]...
Then added a classification of "Science" [MyMediaSubType]...
I would see "Audio Lecture/Science", which is fine, and how I want it to work.
Now I want to use another field... say "Topic" and then have that subcategorised into "Subtopic". ("Topic/SubTopic"), BUT I only want it to display over results that have been generated when I click onto the "Audio Lecture/Science" so that the net result would be along the lines of
"Audio Lecture/Science/Physics/Quantum"
-or alternatively-
"TV Series/Cartoon/Transformers/Series 1"
"Movie/Action/Martial Arts/B-Grade"
I hope you get what I mean. The only way I suspect I can do it is possibly with an expression in the parent view scheme, but I haven't been able to nut that out yet.
[edit] Summary: Conditional field displaying. (If [MyMediaType]="TV Series", Display [Series] and [Season])