Just moments ago went and refilled the coffee mug. Happened to look out the window and was surprised to see a Whitetail doe standing in the backyard munching on grass. Even more of a surprise was the fawn that was even closer to the house, 25' or so away. Spunky little bugger. Like most youngsters he was jumping, running, and pestering Ma. Went up and tried to paw her while she eating.
I get a kick out of all the animals we see around this place. We have also had a young Great Horned Owl hanging out. One morning my daughter said to Mom, 'there's the owl'. T went and had a look, sure enough, right beside the grill, swallowing a leopard frog! She was quick enough to get the camera and take a few quick shots.
Even funnier, last Thursday I left for work, get around the curve in the driveway, and standing right in the middle is owl. Hmmm, honk. Just stares back.
Well move bird, I have to go. Nope. Get out and ask if he would be so kind as to step off to the side for a few seconds. That does the trick. Hey, with a mug like this I'd scare anything at that time of the morning. Flys a short distance down the driveway, and stays put as I drive up and tell him that it's not a good idea to play in the road.
So how's your morning?